  • 學位論文


Tour Route Design for Ecotourism in Kenting National Park: A Case Study of Shirding Community

指導教授 : 陳美惠




Ecotourism emphases on localized and systematized planning so as to reduce impact from visitors and let visitors look deep on the nature environment around the community. Therefore, it becomes an important issue for ecotourism to arrange proper tour routes. Kenting Shirding community has many advantages on its nature environment which can be a well place to develop ecotourism. This research aims to design proper tour routes at Shirding for developing ecotourism. We collect related data using the resource investigation method, in-depth interview, focus group method and questionnaire. This study then tried to find the “eco-marks” of the community. The routes are planned and operated by community members. The ecotourism is expected to let the community member understand the importance of substansibility and celebration with the national park. The resource of the community are identified with three categories: nature resource, cultural resource and landscape resource. The nature resource is the best part including Mammals, Birds, Amphibians, Reptiles, Insects, Crustaceans, Plants, Fungus. The tour routs are designed with different ways based on those different resources. The main natural Cervus nippon taiouanus, Mycena chlorophos, Luciola substriata and Diospyros discolor, biological resources as the main element. Through questionnaires, ecological monitoring, in-depth interviews expect to achieve sustainable ecology, conservation, economy.


Tour route Ecotourism Shirding Eco-marks


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