  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Peer Stress and Subjective Well-being: The mediated effect of emotion regulation strategies

指導教授 : 鄭明長


本研究之研究目的為:(一)探討情緒調節策略是否為同儕壓力與主觀幸福感兩者間的中介變項。(二)驗證本研究所建構的情緒調節策略中介模式與觀察資料是否適配。 為完成上述研究目的,本研究抽取高雄市626位國中生為樣本進行問卷調查,研究工具包含同儕壓力量表、主觀幸福感量表及情緒調節策略量表。本研究以結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)來考驗所蒐集的觀察資料。 本研究發現如下: 一、情緒調節策略能中介同儕壓力對主觀幸福感之預測效果,其中同儕壓力對情緒調節策略及主觀幸福感有負向預測效果,情緒調節策略對主觀幸福感有正向預測效果,情緒調節策略的中介效果值達顯著水準。 二、本研究所建構之情緒調節策略中介模式獲得觀察資料的支持,可用來解釋國中生的觀察資料。 本研究依據分析結果進行討論,並提供教學輔導及未來研究之參考。


The purposes of this study were: (a) analysis the effect of mediator on emotion regulation strategies between peer stress and subjective well-being. (b) examine the fit between the emotion regulation strategies model and observed data. To achieve the proposes above, a total number of participants were 626 junior high school students. The instruments used in this study included Peer Stress Scale, Subject Well-being Scale, Emotion Regulation Strategies Scale. The statistical methods used to analyze the data was structural equation modeling (SEM). Two main results of this study were summarized as followings: (a) emotion regulation strategies were the mediating variable between peer stress and subject well-being. In addition, the peer stress has a significant negative effect on the emotion regulation strategies, the emotion regulation strategies has a significant positive effect on the subject well-being. The mediation effect reaches significant level. (b) the emotion regulation strategies model constructed in this study fit the observed data well, and could be used to explain the observed data throughout Taiwan. Based on the results of this study, we discussed the implications for teaching and proposed recommendations for future research.


王櫻芬(2012)。情緒調節在青少年人際依附與心理困擾之中介角色分析研究。教育心理學報,2,273 - 294。
陳金定、劉焜輝(2003)。 青少年依附行為與情緒調適能力之因果模式初探。教育心理學報,35(1),39-57。
