  • 學位論文


A Study on the Correlations of Power Customer Attributes

指導教授 : 黃怡詔




The power is the most important in part of our life, no matter people’s articles for daily use or factory to produce machines. So, how to use the power effectively is the problem that Taiwan Power Company has to face. Work days are the basic method to judge what work styles the power customers are, through the work days of power customers the company can know the time of power that has not been used, the Taiwan Power Company can reduce the power of the company according to the data. In this study, computing the power customers’ electricity data with Autocorrelation Function (ACF) and method of regression analysis to increase the number of calculable power customers, and save time of collecting information. The part of correlativity analysis is for power customers attributes, for example: ContractID, ElectricityID, AreaID, BusinessID, Basic electricity bill, Flow electricity bill, Regular contract capacity, The max electricity consumption, The min electricity consumption, The mean electricity consumption, Work days and so on. Using 11 attributes to calculate the correlation coefficient, and select the attributes which are the high correlation of them, using literature and other analytical methods to prove the results of the correlation analysis.


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