  • 學位論文


The Types of Teaching Concern of Junior High School Teachers on Flipped Teaching

指導教授 : 鄭明長


本研究旨在瞭解高屏地區教師對翻轉教學的認知與教學關注之現況,並探討高屏地區不同背景變項的國中教師對翻轉教學關注的差異情形,期望能提供國中教師嘗試翻轉教學之參考。 本研究對象為高屏地區公立國中教師,預試175份、正式400份,共發出調查問卷575份,剔除無效問卷後得正式有效問卷366份,有效問卷回收率92%。根據問卷填答結果以SPSS.19進行基本描述性、t-test考驗、單因子變異數及Scheffé、集群分析等統計方法進行資料處理分析與探討。依據研究結果歸納結論如下: 一、高屏地區的國中教師普遍對翻轉教學的推動持認同態度。 二、高屏地區部份不同背景變項的國中教師對翻轉教學的認知有顯著差異:(一)性別:女性國中教師對翻轉教學的認知高於男性國中教師;(二)職務:在「促進教學」層面教師兼主任的國中教師顯著高於其他職務的國中教師;(三)服務年資:在各服務年資階段的國中教師間並未發現有顯著差異;(四)曾經參加過翻轉教學相關研習的國中教師顯著高於未曾參加翻轉教學研習的國中教師;(五)曾運用過翻轉教學模式的國中教師顯著高於未曾運用翻轉教學模式的國中教師;(六)學校規模為37班以上的大型學校在「教學參與」、「促進學習」、「教學參與」皆有顯著差異。 三、高屏地區部份不同背景變項的國中教師對教學關注有顯著差異: (一)性別:女性國中教師對教學關注的感受高於男性國中教師;(二)職務:教師兼主任的國中教師在教學關注的感受高於其他職務的國中教師;(三)服務年資:服務年資在1-10年的國中教師在教學關注上有顯著差異;(四)曾參加過翻轉教學相關研習的國中教師顯著高於未曾參加翻轉教學研習的國中教師;(五)曾運用翻轉教學模式的國中教師顯著高於未曾運用翻轉教學模式的國中教師;(六)學校規模:以37班以上的大型學校在教學關注上達顯著差異。 四、翻轉教學與教學關注的相關性與集群分析結果 (一)翻轉教學與教學關注皆呈現中高度顯著相關。 (二)協力合作組的國中教師在翻轉教學的認知「教學參與」、「促進學習」、「教學變革」三個層面上顯著高於改革觀望組國中教師。


Abstract The aim of this research is to explore the understanding of flipped teaching and teaching concerns among the junior high school teachers in Kaohsiung and Pingtung. The study also investigated the difference of the variables among the teachers with different backgrounds. The respondents of this research were junior high school teachers in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas. The questionnaires were administered to 400 respondents with valid 366 returning. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Scheffe, and Cluster Analysis in SPSS 19. The search results were as follows. 1.The level of the teachers’ understanding of flipped teaching is moderately high. 2.The teachers’ understanding of flipped teaching was significantly different with their different backgrounds. (1)Gender: The level of female teachers’ understanding of flipped teaching was higher than the level of male teachers’. (2)Job position: The level of directors’ teaching promotion was higher than the level of other teachers. (3)Years of service: There is no significant difference among teachers of different years of service. (4)The level of the understanding of teachers attending the seminars on flipped teaching was higher than the level of the understanding of teachers without similar experience. (5)The level of the understanding of the teachers who have exerted flipped teaching techniques was higher than the level of the understanding of those teachers who never have these experiences. (6)The level of the understanding of the teachers who serves in the school with over 37 classes were higher than the level of the understanding of the teachers in other schools. 3. The levels of the teaching concerns of the teachers were significantly different with their different backgrounds. (1)Gender: The level of female teachers’ perception of teaching concern is higher than the level of the male teachers’. (2)Job position: The level of the directors’ “teaching promotion” was higher than the level of other teachers. (3)Years of service: The level of teaching concerns of the teachers who have served for less than 10 years was the highest. (4)The level of the teaching concerns of the teachers who have attended the seminars on flipped teaching was higher than the level of the teaching concerns of the teachers without similar experience. (5)The level of teaching concerns of the teachers who have exerted flipped teaching techniques was higher than the level of teaching concerns of those teachers who never have those experiences. (6)The level of the teaching concerns of the teachers who serves in the school with over 37 classes were higher than the level of the understanding of the teachers in other schools. 3.The result of the correlation and cluster analysis between flipped teaching and teaching concern is as follows. (1)Flipped teaching and teaching concerns were highly related. (2)Teachers in the cooperative group significantly had better understanding about flipped teaching than the teachers in the hesitant group.


卓憶嵐(2015)。翻轉教學2.0-未來教室SWEET Q!。師友月刊,571,
