  • 學位論文


Study on the growth characteristics of cutting lettuce under different lighting conditions inside the carbon container-like plant factory with artificial lights

指導教授 : 苗志銘


本研究在環控貨櫃型植物工廠內進行栽種實驗,使用六種不同光質LED燈具設置在六個植栽床上,分別為LED燈管_1、LED燈管_2、LED燈管_3、LED燈管_4、LED_冷白光、LED_暖黃光,以每天14小時光照為周期,用水耕栽培方式種植皺葉萵苣二十四天。水耕養液選用台中區農改場的萵苣養液配方,使用化學原料有硝酸鈣、硝酸鉀、磷酸一氨、硫酸鎂、氫氧化鉀、螯合鐵、硼酸、氯化錳、硫酸鋅、硫酸銅與鉬酸鈉,皆為養液使用化學成分,作供給植株養分所需。本研究之作物在同一微環境因子與同一養液濃度,且改變光配方的狀況下生長,生長過程中量測植株高度、葉片數、鮮重、葉面積、葉綠素、硝酸鹽離子含量以及鉀、鈣與鈉離子含量,從數據探討在不同LED光源影響下,皺葉萵苣的生長結果。 由本研究實驗結果來看,整體環境因子與養液電導度及酸鹼值變化一致,在六種不同光質LED燈具影響下,皺葉萵苣的生長卻有明顯差異,從株高、葉片數、鮮重及葉面積數據來看,LED_暖黃光的皺葉萵苣生長最好,其次是LED燈管_2,接下來是LED_冷白光、LED燈管_4、LED燈管_3、LED燈管_1。葉綠素數據上沒有很明顯的差距,但LED_冷白光SPAD葉綠素相對值較高。植株硝酸鹽含量結果LED_暖黃光植株硝酸鹽含量最低,其次是LED_冷白光,接下來是LED燈管_3、LED燈管_2、LED燈管_4,最後LED燈管_1植株硝酸鹽含量為最高。鉀、鈣與鈉離子含量結果顯示LED_暖黃光光照條件下,離子含量最高,其次是LED燈管_2,再來是LED_冷白光、LED燈管_4、LED燈管_3、LED燈管_1。整體結果來看,LED_暖黃光生長下的皺葉萵苣,其植株高度最高、葉片數最多、鮮重最重與葉面積最大,而硝酸鹽含量最低以及鉀、鈣與鈉離子最高,在植株生長效益上優於其他燈具,因此LED_暖黃光相對其他LED燈,在本系統上更適合皺葉萵苣的生長發育。


The aim of this thesis is to investigate the LED light quantity on the lettuce growth conditions within a cabin-like plant factory. There are six different LED lamps with light spectrum and intensity. The open and close time of LED lamps is controlled as 14 to 10 hours. The deep water hydroponic cultivation system is employed and the target plant is lettuce. The chemical composition of nutrition is based on Taichung Distric Agricultural Research and Extension Station suggested. All measures are performed in a fixed micro-environment but changed the light conditions for six cultivated beds. The fresh weight, number of leafs, total leaf area, and ionic concentrations of lettuce are detected during growth period for further analysis. Results indicated that the micro-environment factors, such as air temperature, relative humidity and CO2 concentration, and pH as well as EC values are along an acceptable trend during lettuce growth. The LED light spectrum with more portion of 740 nm red light results in a significant enhancement in biomass of lettuce for present work.


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