  • 學位論文


Adaptation of Planted Mangrove at Chinglo Wetland, Penghu County, Taiwan

指導教授 : 范貴珠


本研究目的擬於澎湖濕地復育1974年時,因開闢魚塭被毀之紅樹林生態系。自1994年開始至2000年時,在5個不同區域直播或直插海茄苳(Avicennia marina)、五梨跤(Rhizophora mucronata)及水筆仔(Kandelia candel)繁殖體,而欖李(Lumnitzera racemosa)則栽植1年生之容器苗。4種紅樹林在栽植2年後之成活率均相當良好,然而因惡劣之環境逆壓,包括高鹽分、土壤貧瘠堅硬(漁民移除肥沃土壤)、冬季強風及鹽霧危害而限制紅樹林生長。至2009年7月止,水筆仔、五梨跤及欖李分別僅剩8.7、18.5及21.2%。目前最耐鹽的海茄苳已成為優勢種,但平均樹高僅70-215 cm,平均地徑僅5.0-9.2 cm,呈現明顯的矮化狀態。全區林木多為小徑木,地徑分布呈反J形。本研究建立海茄苳葉部、莖部、枝條及總地上部生物量與地徑之相對生長回歸式,顯示林木各部位乾重之R2 值在0.9498至0.9802間。利用推估地上部生物量之最佳函數地徑為獨立變數,以WT = 0.0836 (地徑2)+0.1184 (地徑)-0.5305 (R2 = 0.9802)公式,計算林分地上部生物量(WT)僅2.84 ton ha-1,顯示青螺濕地海茄苳生物量明顯較世界其他國家為低。本研究建議未來此生態系至少應持續長期監測生物多樣性、植群結構及生態過程等項目,以作為經營管理之參考。


The goal of this study was to restore the mangrove ecosystem at Chinglo wetland, Penghu County that was destroyed for aquaculture in 1974. From 1994 to 2000, Avicennia marina, Rhizophora mucronata and Kandelia candel were directly sowed with propagules, and Lumnitzera racemosa were planted with one-year-old seedlings at 5 different areas. The survival rate and growth of all four mangrove species progressed very well during the first two years of the project. However, the stresses from the harsh environment, including high salinity, dense and low nutrient soil (fish farmers removed the fertile muddy soil), strong wind and serious salt spray during wintertime arrested mangrove growth. In July 2009, K. candel, R. stylosa and L. racemosa gradually degraded and died, only 8.7, 18.5 and 21.2% survived respectively. The salt tolerant A. marina is the dominant species but present dwarf mangrove form manifests a tree height of only 70 to 215 cm, root collar diameter ranged from 5.0 to 9.2 cm. The distribution of diameter was skewed to small classes, and all sampled trees showed reverse J-shaped distributions, which suggested an active regeneration in these populations. The allometric relationships derived by regressions of leaves, stems, branches, and total above-ground biomass vs. root collar diameter of A. marina trees, for each tree component were highly significant, with R2 values from 0.9498 to 0.9802. Total above-ground biomass was estimated as a power function of the root collar diameter as an independent variable, WT = 0.0836 (diameter2) + 0.1184 (diameter) – 0.5305, where WT = above-ground biomass (kg). The allometric relationship was used to estimate the average total above-ground biomass for 2.84 ton ha-1, indicating that this A. marina forest at the Chinglo wetland has lowest above-ground biomass than these forests elsewhere in the world. Furthermore, we suggested that at least three general categories of this ecosystem attributes, including diversity, vegetation structure, and ecological processes should continue long-term monitoring.


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