  • 學位論文


Size distributions of particle-bound water-soluble ions removal from the kitchen exhausts using an electrostatic precipitator

指導教授 : 謝連德


靜電集塵之工程方法常被餐飲業選為處理廚房排放油煙廢氣之管末處理方法。本研究目的為利用靜電集塵器技術收集燒烤時產生之油煙廢氣中之粒狀物質,探討於靜電集塵排放尾端各水溶性離子(Na+、K+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Cl-、NO3-、NO2- 和SO42-)及在粗(PM 2.5~21.3)、細微粒( PM 0.52~2.5 )粒徑分佈之特徵。在實驗中,油煙來源從小型電烤箱產生。並探討在不同溫度(220 ℃、180℃)電加熱情況下,輸入混有比例豬肉進料量(540 g),利用於設備末端排放尾氣處,串聯靜電集塵器,進行樣品採樣。採樣時,在靜電集塵器前端、尾端進行採樣,各以石英濾紙收集樣本,且利用裝有溝槽式鐵氟龍濾紙之個人多階衝擊器(Marple Personal Cascade Impactor),收集各階層粒狀物質樣品,各階衝擊板(50% cut off 粒徑)收集範圍分別為21.3–14.8、14.8–9.8、9.8–6.0、6.0–3.5、3.5–1.55、1.55–0.93 和0.93–0.52.。採得濾紙樣品皆以離子層析儀(Ion chromatography)分析。結果指出,油煙廢氣中總懸浮微粒物質之去除效率,於燒烤溫度180℃排放尾端控制下,減量約為33.4%;而於220℃時,約為33.0%。且油煙廢氣中粒狀物水溶性離子去除效率,於燒烤溫度180℃排放尾端控制下,除NO2-、Mg2+離子之外,油煙中水溶性陰陽離子皆有明顯的去除效果約 15.07%~78.7 %,而於220℃時,具相似結果,顯示兩種燒烤溫度下減量程度具相似性。而於Marple採樣範圍內,處理前後其質量濃度粒徑分佈皆呈現雙峰分佈(bi-model),分別出現在細微粒(PM 0.52~1.55)及粗微粒(PM 14.8~21.3)上,各水溶性陰陽離子主要分佈於細微粒上,其佔微粒之百分比約為42~47%,若依粒徑分佈結果推估油霧滴之呼吸道沉降情形,可發現烹飪人員暴露主要集中在肺泡區(佔52.0~61.4%),次之為氣管與支氣管區(佔21.2%~23.8%),最後為頭區(佔17.2%~20.8%)。其中可呼吸性油霧滴推估暴露濃度達214.43~334.34 μg/m3,最後,利用統計方式進行相關性分析推估可能來源為室內環境中以氣、固相凝結,細微粒非海鹽人為污染為主要來源。亦藉由SPSS 之成對、獨立樣本 t 檢定結果顯示NO3- 、SO42-與K+確實於經靜電集塵前後有明顯的變化差異且在不同的加熱溫度下與Cl- 、NO2-、NO3-、K+有顯著性的變化差異(P<0.05)。


Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) are often applied to the collection of particulate matters in the exhaust from the cooking stack. This preliminary study investigated the characteristics of eight water soluble ionic species (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO3-, NO2-, and SO42-) and their size distributions in coarse(PM 2.5~21.3)/fine( PM 0.52~2.5 ) particles have seldom been studied, particularly those emitted from the electric oven during the process of roasting pork . The samples were collected simultaneously in the exit from the ESP. In this experiment, the fume was generated from a small-scale electric oven. The input pork (540 g) was heated and roasted separately at two heating temperatures (180oC and 220oC). After a steady condition was reached, the samples were collected simultaneously in the front of the ESP and in the exit from the ESP. A Marple Personal Cascade Impactor equipped with Teflon filters (34mm in diameter) was used to collect size-resolved aerosol samples. The sampler effectively separated particulate matter into seven ranges (at 50% efficiency) with the following equivalent cut-off diameters; 21.3–14.8, 14.8–9.8, 9.8–6.0, 6.0–3.5, 3.5–1.55, 1.55–0.93 and 0.93–0.52 m. Those samples were analyzed using ion chromatography (IC). The results obtained from The results obtained this study indicate that the reduction was about 33.4% and 33.0% by ESP at 180oC and 220oC, respectively. The removal efficiency for several water soluble ionic species (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Cl-, NO3-, and SO4 2-) can reach from 15.1% to 78.7%. by ESP at both 180oC and 220oC. Both particle mass-size distribution were approximately bi-model , peaking at PM 0.52–1.55 and PM 14.8–21.3 m and Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, Na+, K+ and SO4 2- were detected within the seven ranges of Marple. Water-soluble ions manily distributed in fine particles and the percentage in fine particles about 42~47%.The fractions of inhaled particles exposed to different regions of the respiratory tracts found that the alveolar region (52.0~61.4%)was consistently higher than both tracheobronchial (21.2%~23.8%)and head(17.2%~20.8%) regions in all exposure groups. The estimated respirable exposure concentrations for cooking workers (214.43~334.34 μg/m3) . Finally, the tool for data analysis was SPSS software by both correlation analysis and Paired-Samples T-test. The result of Correlation analysis showed that indoors were mainly the from non-sea salt spray source and gas/particle condensation in fine particles. The use of a paired t-test and independent t-test method yielded the result ,Water-soluble ions in the front of the ESP and in the exit from the ESP, Since the probability is much less than 0.05, NO3-,SO42- and K+ differ significantly at P<0.05 ,and Water-soluble ions at two heating temperatures (180oC and 220oC) ,Cl- ,NO2-,NO3- and K+differ significantly at P<0.05.


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