  • 學位論文


Multimedia Design Literacy of High School Teachers in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 羅希哲 博士


本研究旨在瞭解教師的多媒體設計素養,並以中學教師為對象,視其能熟悉運用多媒體原則、接近原則、形式原則、重覆原則、一致性原則、擬人化原則、練習原則、工作範例原則、分割原則和預先訓練原則等共十個原則的熟悉程度,來呈現出教師在多媒體設計素養之情形。本研究採文獻分析與問卷調查方法,並以自編之「教師多媒體設計素養之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,以屏東地區60所中學之教師為研究對象,實施問卷調查,共發出420份問卷,回收有效問卷398份,回收率為95%,所獲得之資料分別以敘述性統計、單一樣本 t 檢定、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析等統計方法進行分析,其重要結論與建議如下: 一、屏東地區中學教師多媒體設計素養之整體現況,呈現出中間偏上的情形,顯示具有一定的多媒體設計素養,但仍有很大的進步空間。 二、教師在各原則間的熟悉程度高低依序為:多媒體原則>預先訓練>(分割原則、接近原則、形式原則、練習原則)>工作範例>一致性原則>(重覆原則、擬人化原則)。 三、中學教師在教育程度、學校座落、學校規模及公私立學校等四項的多媒體設計素養熟悉程度未達顯著差異。 四、中學教師在性別、年齡、年資、有無參與研習活動、教師職務等背景變項上,其多媒體設計素養的熟悉程度達到顯著差異。 五、高職教師在多媒體設計素養上的熟悉程度高於國中及高中教師。 六、中學教師多媒體設計素養各原則間均呈現顯著正相關,顯示量表能適切的反映出教師在多媒體設計素養的熟悉程度。 七、中學教師獲得多媒體設計相關知識的主要來源是網際網路,次要為研習活動。 八、本研究量表有良好的信效度,可作為未來編製教師多媒體設計素養自評量表之參考。 九、本研究針對研究發現與結論,分別對教育行政主管機關、中等學校、教師、師資培育機構及對未來研究提出建議,俾供參考。


The purpose of this study is to probe and show high school teachers’ literacy in multimedia design by studying their familiarization with the ten principles-multimedia principle, contiquity principle, modality principle, redundancy principle, coherence principle, personification principle, practice principle, the principle of working examples, segmentation principle and pre-training principle. The study is achieved through literature analysis and questionnaire survey method. The self-designed questionnaire “The Questionnaire of Multimedia Design Literacy of High School Teachers” was used for collecting the data. The samples were the teachers of 60 high schools in Pingtung County. Among the totally 420 teachers samplings, 398 of them were valid, reaching a valid rate of 95%. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one sample t test, independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation method. Its importantant conclusions and suggestions are as follows: 1. The high school teachers have a certain level of literacy in multimedia design, but there is still room for improvement. 2. The principles, in the descending order according to teachers’ familiarity, are multimedia principle, pre-training principle, segmentation principle (which is equal to contiquity principle, modality principle and practice principles), the principle of working examples, coherence principle, and redundancy principle (which is equal to personification principle). 3. High school teachers’ design literacy in multimedia has no significant difference in four factors-educational level, school location, school scale and public or private school. 4. High school teachers’ design literacy in multimedia has significant differences in the following factors-gender, age, teaching years, participation in research and study activities, and teacher’s position. 5. The teachers teaching at the vocational high schools have higher familiarity with the multimedia design literacy than those at the junior and senior high schools. 6. The principles of high school teachers’ multimedia design literacy show a significant positive correlation with one another. That means the questionnaire can appropriately reflect teachers’ familiarity with multimedia design literacy. 7. The major source that high school teachers use to receive the knowledge about multimedia design is the Internet, and the secondary is the research and study activities. 8. The questionnaire has fine reliability and validity and can be used as the reference of self report scale of teachers’ multimedia design literacy. 9. Based on the results of this study, recommendations for educational administrations, high schools, teachers, teacher training institutions and the future related researches are suggested.




