  • 學位論文


The Research of Public and Private Sector interaction through the Purchase of Service Contract: A Case Study of Pingtung County

指導教授 : 王仕圖 博士


福利服務民營化政策崛起於1980年代新右派福利論述,英美國家採取社會服務民營化政策作為改善福利遞送效率和地方控制的策略,有意減少政府在福利資源供應上的角色。1987年解嚴後,政府調整在社會福利服務的絕對性地位,開放社會服務與非營利組織,簽訂契約相互配合,期因應民營化以及全球化的衝擊,提高社會服務的品質與效率。 本研究以購買服務契約為範疇,以質性研究之深入訪談的方式,探討屏東縣公、私部門的互動關係,研究的目的有四:一、分析屏東縣社會福利服務契約委託的歷程及執行現況;二、探討屏東縣政府契約委託社會福利服務中,公、私部門兩者之間的互動關係演變;三、分析在購買服務契約實踐上所面臨的限制與問題;四、從政府購買服務契約探討公、私部門的合作關係,提出建議及改善之道。 根據研究的結果分析,分別提出三項建議執行政府採購法、落實公私部門互動關係的合作模式,以及社會福利服務政策執行面的建議,期能有助於日後購買服務契約執行之參考。 關鍵詞:民營化、購買服務契約、互動關係模式、屏東縣政府


The welfare services privatization policies come from the New Right welfare discourses in the 1980s. The privatization of social services provided for improving welfare delivery efficiency and local control strategy. The goal of this strategy intends to reduce the supply of resources of governemt in British and America. In Taiwan, after the lift of the Martial Law in 1987, the government adjusted the position of social welfare service, providing the chances of social services to non-profit organizations, signed a contract with each other. These strategy response to the impact of privatization and globalization, and to improve the quality and efficiency of social services. Through depth interviews of nature research, this study that focus on the purchase of service contract discusses the interaction of public and private sector in Pingtung County. The purpose of research have four points: (1) Analyzing the duration and execution of purchase of service contract in Pingtung County; (2) Discussing the interaction and development of purchase of service contract between public and private sector, as well as the impact of Government Procurement Law; (3) Analyzing the limits and problems in the process of purchase of service contract; (4) Providing the practical suggestions in the implementation of the purchase of services contract. According to the analysis of these results, there are three suggestions: the implementation of Government Procurement Law, cooperative relationship between public and private sectors, and the implementation of the social welfare policy in the future. Keywords: Privatization, Purchase of Service Contract, Model of Interaction, Pingtung County




