  • 學位論文


Modular Modern Microfluidic Chip System

指導教授 : 張金龍 傅龍明


本研究在微型全分析系統(μ-TAS)之概念下,自行設計研發「新型微流體晶片系統」,此系統包含了「氣動式進液系統」、「晶片平台」以及「微流體檢測晶片」三個子系統。「氣動式進液系統」以壓縮空氣作為推進動力取代傳統微量注射幫浦之液體推進,改善傳統微量注射幫浦之缺點,並以電磁閥及調壓閥控制壓縮氣體之壓力以及開闔。「晶片平台」下板為鋁合金,上板為PMMA,改良Nanoport的缺點,不需實驗前置作業時間,且製作成本較低等優點。「微流體檢測晶片」以PMMA為基材,CO2雷射製作微管道,具有製程快速,修改方便,且不需使用黃光微影製程等優點。   第一代微流體葡萄糖溶液濃度檢測晶片利用雙並聯式圓形混合槽、T型出口微管道進行溶液的混合。第二代微流體葡萄糖溶液濃度檢測晶片則增加了第三混合槽以及蛇蜒彎曲微管道取代T型出口微管道,以增加混合效率。   本研究利用DNS試劑法檢測葡萄糖溶液濃度。將DNS試劑與葡萄糖溶液以體積比1:1注入葡萄糖溶液濃度檢測晶片中,經加熱後冷水浴至室溫,將晶片放入分光光度計以波長540nm測定溶液吸光值,並繪製檢量線與線性度R2值。   本研究自行研發之「新型微流體晶片系統」,具有方便、快速、可拋棄式無交叉污染等優點。利用本系統所進行的葡萄糖溶液濃度檢測實驗,R2值均可到達0.995以上,此結果顯示本系統是可應用於實際檢測中。


In this study, a so-called “Modern Microfluidic Chip System”(MMCS) which is under concept of micro total analysis system (μ-TAS) was designed. MMCS contains three subsystems: “pneumatic propel fluid system”, “chip platform” and “microfluidic detection chip”. Traditional syringe pumps were replaced by the pneumatic propel fluid system propel fluid by compressed air. In order to improve the defects of the traditional syringe pumps, the solenoid valves and pressure regulating valves were used to control the opening-closing and the pressure. The basis of the chip platform is aluminum alloy, and the top of chip platform is PMMA. Chip platform could adjust the Nanoport shortcomings, which is without experimental preparation time and lower cost. The substrate of “microfluidic detection chip” is PMMA, micromachining the microchannel by CO2 laser, with the process faster, easier modification, and without using of photolithography process. The first generation of microfluidic glucose concentration detection chip used the “Double Parallel Connection Micromixer”(DPCM) and T-type fluid outlet micro-channel to mix the solution. The second generation of microfluidic glucose concentration detection chip with addition to the third mixing chamber and serpentine microchannel could increase mixing efficiency. In this study, glucose concentration was detected by DNS reagent method. The DNS reagent and the glucose solution inject into the detected chip and the volume ratio of 1:1, and then the chip was cooling to room temperature after heated, and placed into the spectrophotometer for detected absorbance at the wavelength of 540nm and drew the calibration curve and R2 value of the glucose solution. Hence, MMCS is convenient, simple, quick, no cross-contamination and can be disposable. Using modern microfluidic chip system for detection experiment of glucose concentration, R2 values can reach more than 0.995, the results showed that the “Modern Microfluidic Chip System” can be applied to the actual detection.


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