  • 學位論文


The Research of Social Accountability and Function with Blog of Nonprofit Organization

指導教授 : 王仕圖


在網路發達的時代,透過網路科技所發展出的新形態溝通模式,而部落格的崛起,使市場中原本競爭模式產生變化。部落格的方便性與傳播訊息速度快,在全世界造成一股風潮,部落格的「零成本」、「零技術」等特性符合非營利組織的需求,對資源窘迫的非營利組織而言,不啻為一個便利性的宣傳工具。本研究希望探討非營利組織從業者對部落格之現狀功能的態度,以及部落格對非營利組織建立社會責信之相關性。 本研究嘗試以實證研究,抽取同質性樣本(homogeneous samples)為原則,選取的非營利組織依(1)有經營部落格之組織;(2)定期更新部落格;(3)提供服務;(4)對外募款或舉辦活動;(5)累積瀏覽人數逹到一萬人次以上者,此五項限制條件選擇母群體,進行抽樣調查,以結構式問卷調查為資料蒐集的方法,用分層比例隨機抽樣的方式,發出400份,回收348份,回收率87%。 本研究目有以下幾點: 1.部落格對非營利組織而言,其品牌形象、媒體功能、互動性功能之現況分析。 2.探討非營利組織經營部落格的動機。 3.非營利組織經營部落格,其現狀功能對社會責信的影響。 4.非營利組織未來在經營部落格上,應著重哪些層面才能對組織的社會責信有所助益。 透過T檢定、ANOVA、多元迴歸分析及中介分析,發現研究結果: 1.非營利組織從業者個人背景對部落格之現狀功能無明顯的差異影響,但是個人網路經驗不同會影響部落格的經營。 2.非營利組織從業者是否具備管理者角色會影響部落格的經營。 3.本研究的實證發現,部落格之現狀功能,即「品牌形象」、「媒體功能」與「互動性功能」對「社會責信」有顯著的影響,而且具有中介效果,對非營利組織在經營部落格的社會責信認同態度有所提升。


In an era with well-developed network, new types of communication modes are formed through network technology. The rise of blog makes competitive models existing in market change. Featuring convenience and rapid speed of information communication, blog has become a trend around the world. Blog also has some characteristics that meet demands of nonprofit organizations, such as “no cost” and “zero technique”, and thus functions as a convenient propaganda tool for these organizations. This study aims to investigate nonprofit organization practitioners’ attitude towards current functions of blog as well as relevance between blog and social accountability of nonprofit organizations. With a principle of drawing homogeneous samples, this paper conducts empirical research and selects nonprofit organizations according to: (1) an organization has its own blog; (2) an organization updates blog regularly; (3) provides service; (4) raises money or holds activities publicly; (5) accumulated visitors are more than 10000. Parent populations are chosen in terms of these five restrictive conditions and then sampling investigation is implemented. Data is collected through structured questionnaires, which are distributed by means of stratified random sampling. A total of 400 questionnaires are handed out and 348 are recycled, representing a response rate of 87%. Purposes of this research are as follows: 1.Make an analysis of blog’s current functions including brand image, media function and interaction function for nonprofit organizations. 2.Investigate motivations of nonprofit organizations to operate blogs. 3.Find out the effects of blog functions on social accountability of nonprofit organizations. 4.When operating blogs in the future, nonprofit organizations should emphasize on which aspects to benefit their social accountability. After T test, ANOVA, multiple regression analysis and mediation analysis, this research obtains following findings: 1.Nonprofit organization practitioners’ personal backgrounds have no significant differential effects on current functions of blog. However, individual’s unique network experience affects the operation of blog. 2.Whether the nonprofit organization practitioner plays a role of manager influences the operation of blog. 3.Through empirical research, this paper finds current blog functions, “brand image”, “media function” and “interaction function”, not only exert significant influence on “social accountability” and have medication effects but also enhance nonprofit organizations’ identification with social accountability when operating blog.


尚榮安、陳禹辰、林重光(2009)。說一個好故事--同理心與部落格的廣告效果。資訊管理學報 第十六卷 第四期,頁1-19。
