  • 學位論文


The Sequestration of CO2 from the Paper Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張國慶


由於全球暖化效應(Global Warm Effect , GWE),世界開始正視其國內二氧化碳排放量,並加以調查及控管。並藉由聯合國氣候變化綱要公約(United National Framework Convent on Climate Change , UNFCCC)及京都議定書( Kyoto Protocol )等國際公約來管制全球的排放量,以符合聯合國環境永續發展委員會(United National Commission on Sustainable Development , UNCSD )管理者對於環境管理所提出的永續發展、持續改善兩大原則。 在無法避免使用化石燃料的情況下,提高化石燃料的使用率,並搭配二氧化碳的捕獲、封存與再利用技術,可有效減緩溫室效應的惡化,造紙工業為木基工業之首,亦為民生不可獲缺之必需工業,因此,本研究主要目在蒐集造紙業各項數據資料,透過計算與統計造紙製程前後二氧化碳排放量及儲存量差異,並以二氧化碳封存技術為出發點,探尋以現今造紙工業來達到封存二氧化碳的可行性,以提供產業界對於二氧化碳封存的另一種選擇,並導正社會誤認為採伐林木造紙是造成森林大量減少及增加大氣二氧化碳濃度的元兇之一。 經統計,從2000年開始臺灣造紙工業二氧化碳排放量即低於其所需 製漿原料(木材)之碳儲存量,且因大量使用回收廢紙,更是達到節省能源之目的;從2009年數據顯示,臺灣造紙年產量約398.9萬公噸,使用原料為原生紙漿102.3萬公噸、廢紙漿281.2萬公噸,其中廢紙漿比例高達73%,造紙過程中排放之二氧化碳為346.2萬公噸,但造紙原料(木材)儲藏之二氧化碳為310.9萬公噸、廢紙為511.2萬公噸,在扣除製造過程排放之二氧化碳量後,可削減大氣中二氧化碳約476萬公噸,証明造紙廠對大氣二氧化碳濃度降低有其助益;另國人每回收1公斤廢紙可減少0.93公斤二氧化碳排放。 並初步驗證造紙工業封存二氧化碳理論是可行的,其如木材製品封存大氣之二氧化碳相同,雖然產品不同,但本質相同,皆由碳元素組成,而比較各國二氧化碳封存技術來看,其大多尚在研究階段,尚有很多難題無法克服,但造紙技術可說非常成熟,並無技術上之困難,且現今可大量生產執行,雖仍有其他對環境所造成之污染尚待解決,但就應用面是可行的。數據顯示每製造1公噸紙張及纸板之二氧化碳排放強度維持在2噸CO2/噸紙以下,具有碳儲存效果。


二氧化碳 封存 造紙工業 紙漿


Due to the Global Warm Effect (GWE), every country in the world began to envisage, investigate and control its domestic carbon dioxide emission. Also, the global emission of the carbon dioxide is controlled by international conventions, such as United National Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Kyoto Protocol, to meet the two main principles, sustainable development and continuous improvement, posed by the world regulator, United National Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), for environmental management. Although fossil fuels cannot be abandoned in short time, raising the efficiency, and coupled with the technologies of capturing, storing and reusing carbon dioxide, it may effectively slow down the deterioration of the greenhouse effect. Paper industry has the largest proportion of wood-based industries, and is an indispensable industry for our daily lives. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to collect the data of the paper industry, and through the calculation of the difference statistics between the carbon dioxide emission and storage volumes before and after the paper-making process, and based on the carbon dioxide storage technology, to discuss the feasibility of carbon dioxide storage by modern paper industry, provide the industry with another choice of carbon dioxide storage, and correct people’s misconception that cutting trees for paper making is one of the prime culprits of the significant reduction in forest and the increase in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide. According to the statistics, the carbon dioxide emission of Taiwan’s paper industry has been lower than the carbon storage of its required pulp material (wood) since 2000. Also, the extensive use of recycled paper had further helped achieving the energy saving objective. The data of 2009 indicated that Taiwan’s annual output of paper was about 3,989,000 tonnes, and the materials used were 1,023,000 tonnes of virgin pulp and 2,812,000 tonnes of recycled pulp. The recycled pulp occupied up to a proportion of 73% of the whole pulp used. The carbon dioxide emitted in the paper making process was 3,462,000 tonnes, but 3,109,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide were stored in the paper material (wood), and 5,112,000 tonnes of it were stored in the recycled paper. After deducting the carbon dioxide emitted in the paper making process, we could see that the atmospheric carbon dioxide was reduced by about 4,760,000 tonnes. Additionally, recycling of every kilogram of waste paper decreases 0.93 kilograms of carbon dioxide emission. This proved that paper mills had positive effect on the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Also, we confirmed that the theory of paper making industry storing carbon dioxide was feasible that is similar to the wood products storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. Although the products of paper making industry are different from wood products, they are both essentially made from carbon. Carbon dioxide storage technologies of various countries are mostly in the research stage that will surely face many difficulties and have a long way to go. But paper making can be described as a very mature technology which has less technical difficulties and can implement the mass production. It does have other pollutions to the environment which needed to be resolved, though it is still practically feasible. Data showed that the intensity of the carbon dioxide emission caused by producing a tonne of paper and paperboard can be kept under 2 tonnes of CO2/tonne of paper, so that it does have carbon storage effect.


CO2 sequestration paper industry paper pulp


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22. ISO/DIS 14040, 1996, International Organization for Standardization ,Geneva ,Switzerland.
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