  • 學位論文


The Stuty on Key Success Factors of Channel Partnership on Trade Beer

指導教授 : 鄭秋桂


一年400多億台幣的啤酒市場,依據財政部國庫署 2010年國產及進口啤酒類數量表資料顯示:台灣整體啤酒市場與 2009年同期比,平均成長1.6%,其中進口啤酒成長16.6%,台灣啤酒下滑約2.5%。在競爭激烈的啤酒市場中,如何經營即飲市場通路夥伴關係、開發新市場與刺激消費,是當前各大啤酒業者所競爭的最主要關鍵。 本研究的主要目的有三項:1.探討啤酒即飲市場競爭與通路現況況;2.探討啤酒行銷通路之夥伴關係及關鍵成功因素;3.利用研究結果,提供業者參考。 本研究係屬於探索性研究,因此,以個案研究法為主軸,以次級資料研究與深度訪談為獲得所需之研究資料的輔助方法,以達到最佳的信度與效度。 根據研究分析產業特色與專家論述市場通路趨勢,歸納出:1.在經銷條件上增加經銷通路誘因;2.與各階通路建立良好的關係;3.強化行銷功能不再扮演追隨者的角色;4.品牌形象延伸至年輕族群;5.提高供應鏈之供應效率掌握產品鮮度之優勢;6.大力推行知識營銷在市場層面的傳播等 ,是啤酒即飲通路夥伴關係關鍵成功因素。


This research's main purpose has three items: 1. the discussion beer namely drinks the market competition and the circuit present situation situation; 2. of partnership and key successful factor discussion beer marketing circuit; 3. using the findings, provides the entrepreneur to refer.   This research belongs to the exploring research, therefore, take the cas methodology as the main axle, as obtains take the secondary data research and the depth interview needs the research material aiding method, achieves the best letter and the validity. Elaborate the market circuit tendency according to the research analysis case characteristic and the expert, induces: 1. increases the sale on commission circuit cause in the sale on commission condition; 2. and various steps circuit establishment good relations; 3. the strengthened marketing function no longer plays follower's role; 4. the brand image extends to the young tribal grouping tribal group; 5. of efficiency of supply the enhancement supply chain grasps product fresh the superiority; 6. carries out the knowledge marketing vigorously in the market stratification plane dissemination and so on, is the beer namely drinks the circuit partnership key successful factor.


Beer Partnership Key Success Factors


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