  • 學位論文

福山和柴山地區台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)之腸道寄生蟲相

Intestinal Parasites of Taiwanese Macaques (Macaca cyclopis) at Fushan Experimental Forest and Mt.Chai

指導教授 : 蘇秀慧


寄生蟲研究對野生動物飼養復育到經營管理均是重要的,研究人畜共通之寄生蟲疾病在環境公共衛生上也是不可或缺的。本研究主要目的除瞭解不同人猴互動程度之台灣獼猴猴群之腸道寄生蟲感染模式現況及差異,探討其潛在之公共衛生問題,因所分析之排遺為已知個體之樣本,故針對個體之寄生蟲感染資料分析不同年齡、性別、位階及母系個體之感染模式差異,並檢視排遺樣本之取樣方式對分析寄生蟲感染模式之影響。 2008年09月至2009年09月期間,每月收集福山一群獼猴與柴山三群獼猴之可辨識個體新鮮排遺樣本一次,以10%福馬林溶液保存,研究期間共檢視605份排遺。福山與柴山兩地區均檢出11種腸道寄生蟲,包括8種線蟲(鞭蟲(Trichuris sp.)、桿線蟲(Strongyloides sp.)、腸結節蟲(Oesophagostomum sp.)、蛔蟲(Ascaris sp.)、鉤蟲(Ancylostomasp.)、毛圓線蟲(Trichostrongylus sp.)、毛細線蟲(Capillaria sp.)及蟯蟲(Enterobius sp.))、1種絛蟲(Bertiella sp.),及2種原蟲(大腸纖毛蟲(Balantidium coli)和大腸阿米巴(Entamoeba coli))。兩地區之成猴感染蟲種數及各蟲種之陽性率及平均感染強度皆顯著高於幼猴,但性別間均無顯著差異。福山地區同母系個體所感染蟲種相似,但母系間不盡相同。福山地區每份排遺平均檢出2.63±0.69種蟲卵,成猴所感染之寄生蟲種數為5.62±0.87種,且各月份檢出之蟲種不同,因此長時間取樣並分析可辨識個體之排遺樣本,對於瞭解個體與猴群完整的寄生蟲感染模式是重要的。福山地區獼猴個體檢出之大多腸道寄生蟲的陽性率及感染強度顯著高於柴山個體,兩地寄生蟲蟲卵排出量與溫度之相關性亦不盡相同。 本研究中線蟲及絛蟲僅辨識至屬,因此無法確定是否為人畜共通寄生蟲,但由於各屬寄生蟲中大多有人類及非人靈長類共通之蟲種,因此無法排除人畜共通傳染之可能性,須待更進一步之研究以釐清其在公共衛生上之隱憂。


Parasite research of wildlife is important for their conservation and management, as well for to invesitgate effects of zoonotic parasites on the public health. This study was aimed to investigate patterns of intestinal parasitic infection in Taiwanese macaque groups with differential degree of interactions with humans.Effectsof age, sex, social dominance and matrilineal kinship with parasitic infection patterns were allowed to be examined with fecal analysis on samples of known individuals. Differential infection patterns resulted from fecal sampling mathods were revealed and discussed. From September 2008 to September 2009, Fresh feces were collected monthly from known individuals in one group at Fushan experimental forest and three groups at Mt. Chai. Feces were preserved in 10%formalin for further fecal analysis. A total of 605 feces were collected and analyzed for parasitic infection. In total, 11 parasites species were discovered at both sites, including eight nematodes (Trichuris sp., Strongyloides sp., Oesophagostomum sp., Ascaris sp., Ternidens sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Capillaria sp. and Enterobius sp.), two prozoans (Balantidium coli and Entamoeba coli), and one platyhelminthes (Berttiella sp.). The parasite species richness, prevalence and mean intensity of infection of adult macaques were significantly higher than those of juveniles at both sites. No significant difference in the parasitic infection between sexes. Individuals in a maternaline harbored similar parasite species, which were different from individuals of other matrilines in the Fushan group. On average, 2.63 ± 0.69 parasite species were recovered per feces. However, the mean numbers of parasites infected in adult females were 5.62±0.87. It suggested that enough samples from known individuals collected in a long period of time were needed in order to reveal a full picture of parasitic infection pattern of macaque individuals and groups. The prevalence and mean intensity of most intestinal parasites were higher in Fushan macaque group than those at Mt. Chai. Associations between the mean abundance of parasites and the temperature were not in common in macaques livinging in the two study sites. Most of the parasite genera infecting the macaques have zoonotic species. It cannot be ruled out the possible influence of zoonotic infection through frequent macaque-human interactions to the public health. However, further research is needed to identify the parasites to the species level.


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