  • 學位論文


Exploring the Antecedents of Perceived Value and Their Impacts on Customer Satisfaction

指導教授 : 沈慶龍


近年來隨著消費型態的改變,社會經濟上的繁榮,消費者對於商品的消費習性逐漸轉變,在自我認同面向上,對消費者而言,整體造型可以是一種裝飾、一種生活樂趣,甚至是生活中不可或缺的一部分。研究者認為整體造型為消費者建立了不同的自我,包含:美麗的、優雅的、愉悅的、自在的、受人注目的自我。而在自我認同的過程中,整體造型扮演了不同的角色,例如:修復或建立一個完整的自我、創造或表現一個完美的自我、情感上的修復與滿足。整體造型,不再只是一種簡單的裝飾,它不僅滿足消費者外在的需求,也能滿足消費者的心理需求,更可以滿足消費者的好奇心、新鮮感,更能給予消費者一個愉快、滿足的感動。本研究探討知覺風險、行銷知識管理能力、創新能力對知覺價值的影響,再根據文獻探討以知覺價值對顧客滿意度的影響,以此作為本研究之架構。 本研究之問卷發放與回收方面,受測對象是針對已被整體造型師服務的一般消費者為抽樣樣本,採取便利抽樣方法。資料蒐集方式是由訪問員將問卷交與受測者填答後收回。共寄發400份問卷,高屏地區整體造型美容院七家。而問卷共回收335份,扣除無效問卷10份後,有效問卷為325份,回收率達81.25%。 經過SEM (Structural Equation Modeling)線性結構關係模式分析後,研究結果發現:(1)整體造型師對於消費者的知覺風險與整體造型師的行銷知識管理能力的增加與整體造型師的創新能力對於消費者的知覺價值有正、負向的影響。(2)消費者的知覺價值的高低將會影響顧客滿意度程度。本研究除了提供學術的理論驗證外,仍提出實務上的建議。 關鍵字:知覺風險、行銷知識管理能力、創新能力、知覺價值、顧客滿意度


Recently, due to the change of consumptive type and prosperous economy, consumer has changing consumption behavior. In the self recognition perspective and to the consumer, entire modeling could be kind of decoration, can be certain daily fun, or can be even an indispensible part in the life. Researchers thought that entire modeling has set up different egos for the consumer, for example, beautiful, elegant, happy, free and eye-catching ego. In the self recognition process, entire modeling plays very different role, for example, the repair or setup of an entire ego, the creation or display of a perfect ego and the emotional repair and satisfaction. Entire modeling is not just a simple decoration, it not only can satisfy the external need of the consumer, but also can satisfy the psychological need of the consumer, in addition, it can also satisfy the consumer’s curiosity and feeling of freshness, besides, it can also give the consumer a happy and satisfied impression. This study is going to investigate perception risk, marketing and knowledge management competence and the influence of creativity on perception value, meanwhile, based on the literature, this study is going to take its research architecture mainly based on the influence of perception value on customer satisfaction. In the survey questionnaire issuance and return, person under test is going to be sampled from the general consumer that has been served by entire modeling consultant, and convenient sampling method is also going to be adopted. For the data collection method, the interview person is going to send the survey questionnaire to person under test to fill and send back. A total of 400 survey questionnaires are issued for seven entire modeling beauty salons in Kaohsiung and Pingtung area. There are 335 copies of returned survey questionnaire, with ten invalid survey questionnaires subtracted, the total effective survey questionnaires are 325 copies and the returned rate is 81.25%. However, after SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) linear structural relation modeling analysis, it was found from the research results that: (1)Positive and negative influence can be seen between entire modeling consultant and consumer’s perception risk and between the increase of entire modeling consultant’s marketing and knowledge management competence as well as entire modeling consultant’s creativity and consumer’s perception value. (2) The level of consumer’s perception value will affect the level of customer satisfaction. This study has provided academic and theoretical verification as well as practical suggestions. Key words: perceivd risk, marketing knowledge management capability, creative capability, perceived value, customer satisfaction


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2 ., Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc, Austin, TX.
