  • 學位論文

黑鳶(Milvus Migrans)羽毛內重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷)含量之時間變化

The Temporal Trend of Heavy Metals (Pb、Cd、Hg、As) in Black Kites (Milvus Migrans) in Taiwan

指導教授 : 孫元勳


猛禽為良好的環境監測生物指標,然而1980年黑鳶在台灣的族群數量突然下降可能與1970年的工業發展有關,但目前卻欠缺相關的研究。因此為瞭解黑鳶族群消失與工業發展和環境中土壤的重金屬污染是否有關,本研究嘗試利用博物館黑鳶標本羽毛重金屬濃度的年變化來看與工業發展的關係,並探討高屏地區的黑鳶羽毛和環境中土壤重金屬濃度兩者間的關係。 分析17筆黑鳶羽毛內重金屬濃度,5筆來自日據時期的標本,12筆來自1970年以後的樣本。日據時期的標本重金屬平均濃度由高至低分別為砷>鉛>鎘>汞;1970年後的樣本重金屬平均濃度由高至低分別為砷>鉛>汞>鎘。砷和鉛在1970年後的黑鳶羽毛內平均濃度分別達到高和中高暴露等級,並且發現一隻黑鳶羽毛砷濃度達253.02 ppm疑似砷中毒。研究結果顯示鉛在黑鳶腹羽與土壤中的重金屬濃度有很高的相關性,汞同樣有高的相關性。汞自2000年後的黑鳶羽毛樣本濃度有增加的趨勢,大氣汞可能為主要污染源。因此,目前高屏地區的黑鳶面臨鉛、砷和汞中毒的潛在威脅。


Raptors are often considered as good indicators for natural habitat quality. Since 1980 the population of black kites in Taiwan declined, one of the causes may be the industrial development after 1970. I want to understand the temporal and spatial variation in the heavy metal (lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic) content of the feathers. The annual change content of these may be the clue with the industrial develop and environmental pollutants. I tested the correlation between the feather’s heavy metal content and the soil’s. The result provided some information in heavy metal concentration of organism and environment. Seventeen samples wree collected. Five were from the specimen made during the Japanese occupation, and the others were collected after 1970. Results showed mean concentration of heavy metal of the feathers during the Japanese occupation were listed in order: As>Pb>Cd>Hg. The mean concentration of heavy metal of the feathers after 1970 were listed As>Pb>Hg>Cd. The mean concentration of Pb and As in feathers achieved high level and medium-high level after 1970, respectively I found one sample which’s As content was 253.02 ppm may be arsenic poisoned. In all elements, Pb was found tobe highly correlated between concentration of feathers and soils at Kaohsiung and Pingtung after 1970, and so did As. The Hg concentration in feathers at Kaohsiung and Pingtung increased after 2000, and the possible source might be the atmospheric mercury from China. Thus, the black kites are under the heavy metal (lead, arsenic and mercury) potential threat at Kaohsiung and Pingtung.


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