  • 學位論文


The Study of the Enterprise Culture, Leadership and Performance in Traditional Industries: A Case Study on Iron and Steel Companies

指導教授 : 林永順


鋼鐵產業是國民經濟的重要支柱產業,涉及面廣、產業關聯度高、在經濟建設、社會發展、財政稅收、國防建設以及穩定就業等方面發揮著重要作用。故鋼鐵產業能掌握新的知識、企業文化、領導風格,就可掌握經營績效。面對全球環境不斷改變、經貿自由化、競爭市場激烈化、企業透過企業文化的變革、領導者的個人領導風格、凝聚員工的向心力、以順應未來的挑戰與競爭,創造更加佳的經營績效。 本研究主要在探討傳統鋼鐵產業企業文化,領導風格與經營績效之間的關係。以非機率抽樣方法、所得資料以SPSS統計軟體分析、統計方法進行資料處理、實證分析。結果發現如下: 一、鋼鐵公司企業文化對經營績效有顯著影響。 二、鋼鐵公司領導風格對經營績效有顯著影響。 三、鋼鐵公司企業文化、領導風格與經營績效有顯著正相關性。 不同企業文化對經營績效有顯著影響、領導者的領導風格對經營績 效亦有明顯差異。企業文化、領導風格與經營績效間互動關聯及影響巨 大。根據結論提出對傳統鋼鐵產業之經營建議,並提供未來決策者參考、 期能讓傳統鋼鐵產業能提升經營績效,且能永續經營。


Iron and steel industries are the essential foundation industries for national economy. They are widely involved in varieties of industries and with highly industrial linkage. They also have significant influences on the development of economic, social, fiscal revenue, national defense and stabilize employment. If the iron and steel industries control well of up-to-date knowledge, corporate culture and leadership style, they have the capability to improve their business performance. In order to cope with the constantly change of world environment, trade liberalization and the intensification of market competition, the corporate correspond to the challenge and competition through culture innovation, leadership improvement and employee centripetal force solidarity. In this way, they can create better business performances. The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship of the enterprise culture, leadership and business performance in traditional industries. The research is conducted through non-probability sampling.The main research methods include SPSS statistical software data analysis, statistical data processing and empirical analysis. The following findings were obtained. 1.Iron and Steel Company's corporate culture has a significant impact on business performance. 2.Iron and Steel Company's leadership style has a significant impact on business performance. 3.Iron and Steel Company’s corporate culture, leadership style and business performance has a significant positive correlation. Different corporate cultures have a significant impact on business performance. Leader's leadership style has significant differences in business performance as well. The relationship of corporate culture, leadership style and business performance are relevant. According to the conclusions, the study recommended the operating strategies for traditional iron and steel industries. It’s also provided as references for future decision-makers. Traditional iron and steel companies can strive to improve their business through these recommendations to become a sustainable development company.




