  • 學位論文


The Needs Assessment Service of Family Support and Preparedness with Intellectual Disabilities-A Case of Pingtung Commonalty and Association for Mentally Retarded

指導教授 : 廖 世 義 博士


本研究旨在探討心智障礙者及其家庭對家庭支持服務之需求現況,以屏東縣啟智協進會自98年至100年執行家庭支持關懷訪視服務方案為例,由專業社工人員針對屏東縣33鄉鎮領有心智障礙手冊者,所建置之4,595筆需求評估表紙本資料,委託協會多元就業開發方案關懷訪視員電腦建檔,計1,083筆資料進行相關之統計分析;主要目的是依需求評估分析所歸納出六大生活品質需求,探討心智障礙者家庭支持服務在不同的障礙程度等級及家庭經濟狀況下,家庭最急迫的需求項目為何? 研究發現:心智障礙者及其家庭以照顧服務需求、就學安親需求、健康醫療需求及經濟補助需求最為迫切,但經濟補助需求是屬於政府福利政策,本研究無法給予支持服務,故不把此項需求列為討論分析範圍。對上述三項需求中的子分項分析:心理諮商(佔分項71.5%)、資訊提供(佔分項89.44%)、社會支持(佔分項39.6%)、電話問安(佔分項39.6%)等,可以清楚的剖析是心智障礙者及其家庭較強烈的需求。其次各障礙等級對家庭支持服務需求無顯著之差異;家庭經濟狀況對家庭支持服務需求有顯著之差異,其中以中低收入戶對心理諮商的需求與不需求差異最大,故在規劃服務方案時,應針對心智障者實際需求、障礙等級及家庭經濟狀況的資源配置,考慮需求人數比例,以避免造成資源錯置與重複享用的不公平現象,進而提升心智障礙者家庭支持服務之實質效益。


This research is intended to examine the needs of family support by individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. The case study herein is based on the service project of family support care visits executed by Pingtung Commonalty and Association for Mentally Retarded between 2009 and 2011. Professional social workers compiled 4,595 written needs assessment forms from individuals holding intellectual disability handbooks in 33 townships of Pingtung County and entrusted the multiple employment development plan care visitors of the Association to construct computer database and conduct statistical analyses on the total of 1,083 data entries. The purpose is to identify the six major needs of quality of life from needs assessment in order to further examine the pressing needs of family support for families of individuals with intellectual disabilities based on the level of disability and family economic status. The research findings show that the pressing needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families are care services, education and after-school services, health and medical services and financial subsidies. However, financial subsidies are within the realm of government welfare policy so this research cannot provide its support. As a result, the need for financial subsidies is not subject to discussion or analysis of this research. By analyzing the sub-items of the afore-mentioned three needs, psychological counseling (accounting for 71.5% of the sub-item), information provision (accounting for 89.44% of the sub-item), social support (accounting for 39.6% of the sub-item) and telephone check (accounting for 39.6% of the sub-item) are more pressing needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families. There is no significant difference between the level of disability and the needs of family support whereas there is significant difference between the family economic status and the needs of family support. The most significant difference occurs in the need and lack of need for psychological counseling by medium- and low-income families. Due to this, service programs should be formulated to meet the actual needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities, the level of disability, the family economic status and the percentage of individuals in need of the service at the initial planning stage so as to avoid unfair situations of mismanaged resources, and duplicate consumption of resources and further promote the actual effectiveness of family support services for individuals with intellectual disabilities.


