  • 學位論文


The Effect of Brand User Association on Brand Extension Evaluation: The Application of Case-Based Reminding Theory

指導教授 : 陳佳誼


過去文獻指出範例提示可提升消費者對品牌延伸的評價,但其效果仍然需要進一步驗證。不同於過去研究以品牌概念或屬性作為範例提示的基礎,本研究提出以使用者聯想作為範例提示,並驗證以使用者為基礎的範例提示與消費者品牌延伸評價的關係。為驗證研究假說,本研究執行了一個2(範例提示:有提示vs. 無提示) ×3(產品類別相關程度:高vs.中vs.低)之實驗設計。本研究主要發現有以下兩點:(1)範例提示有助於提升消費者對於品牌延伸之評價;(2)範例提示對於品牌延伸評價之提升效果在延伸產品類別相關度為中度相關時最佳。本研究以使用者形象聯想為基礎,對於範例提示對提升品牌延伸評價的效果提供了更進一步的證據。此外,亦再次驗證範例提示對於中度相關程度的品牌延伸具有最佳的提升效果。本研究結果有助於廠商更廣泛地利用範例提示來提升消費者對於品牌延伸態度與接受度。


Previous studies showed that the case-based reminding can increase consumer evaluation of brand extension. However, the effectiveness of case-based reminding on enhancing brand extension evaluation still needs further validation. Unlike past studies that the reminding is based on brand concept or attribute associations, this study proposes another form of case-based reminding according to brand user association. The relationship between case-based reminding based on brand user association and brand extension evaluation is examined. To test proposed hypotheses, a 2 (case brand reminding: yes or no) × 3 (product similarity: highly similar, moderately similar, and low similar) experimental design was employed. The major findings of this study are as follow: (1) case-based reminding help to improve the brand extension evaluation; (2) The effect of case-based reminding on the evaluation of brand extension is strongest when consumers face a moderately similar extension. On the basis of brand user association, this study provides further evidence that case-based reminding can enhance brand extension evaluation. In addition, it is confirmed again that the effect of case-based reminding on brand extension evaluation is most pronounced in the condition of moderately similar extensions. The results of this study can help firms to utilize case-based reminding more broadly to enhance consumers’ attitude and acceptance of the brand extension.


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