  • 學位論文

WebQuest教學對學習成效、防災素養及學習滿意度之影響- 以國中八年級防災教育為例

Effects of WebQuest Learning Activities on Learning Efficiency, Disaster-prevention Literacy , and Learning Satisfaction: An xample of Disaster-prevention Education for the 8th grade students

指導教授 : 羅希哲


本研究旨在探討WebQuest教學對國中學生防災教育實施學習成效與防災素養之影響。本研究採用準實驗研究法,以屏東縣某國中八年級61名學生為研究對象,分為實驗組(31人)與對照組(30人),進行三個單元包含地震災害、颱洪及坡地災害的實驗教學。 實驗組以WebQuest進行防災教育,對照組則採用傳統教學。在教學實驗裡,不同的教學方法為自變項,探討WebQuest教學與傳統教學對學生立即學習成效及學習成效保留上的影響。 於各單元教學結束後,實驗組和控制組學生立即進行學習成效測驗,並以社會領域教學成就測驗之段考成績來控制兩組在學習前的差異,並於兩週後進行延宕測驗。實驗教學結束後,實驗組學生再施以防災素養量表、學習滿意度問卷、WebQuest學習意見調查。就兩組進行描述性統計、成對樣本t檢定、單一樣本t檢定與單因子共變數分析。 本研究之結果如下:實驗組學生在立即學習成效上與控制組學生有顯著差異,在學習成效的保留效果與控制組學生有顯著差異。 在防災素養上,實驗組學生於防災知識、態度及技能上表現佳。在學習滿意度上,實驗組學生對教學方式、學習品質、學習互動、學習評量與學習心得上呈顯著滿意。在WebQuest學習意見上,實驗組學生對教學網頁設計、WebQuest結構、學習活動心得與小組合作學習上高度肯定。 ii 根據上述研究結果,教師以WebQuest教學模式實施防災教育是可行的,並提出教學及未來研究上進一步的建議,以供教育相關人士作為參考。


This study aims at discussing how WebQuest Teaching Module affects the learning effects and disaster-prevention education. This study adopts guideline for quasi experiment, and based on 61 eighth graders from Ping-tung county, we divide them into a treatment group (31 students) and a control group (30 students), conducting experimental teaching on three units, including Earthquake Disaster, Typhoon and Flood, and Slope Calamity. The treatment group are taught education for disaster prevention and preparedness with WebQuest methods, while the control group are educated in a conventional way. In the teaching experiment, various teaching methods are independent variables, used to discuss the influence that WebQuest teaching and conventional teaching exercise on retaining the immediate learning efficiency and learning efficiency. After every unit completed, students of the treatment and control group immediately take a learning effeciency test. Also, the defferences between the students of the two groups are controlled with the monthly evaluation of Social Science, with a test held two weeks later. After the experimental teaching ends, the students of the treatment group are given asseesment form of scientific literacy for disaster prevention, questionnaires on learners’ satisfaction, research about opinions of WebQuest learning. Then, we do descriptive statistics, Paired-Samples t Test, One-Sample t test, and One-way ANOVA. The consequence of this study is shown as the following: the immediate learning efficiency between the students of the treatment group and those of the controlled group is significantly vary. And, in retaining the learning efficiecy, there is a huge difference from the students of the controlled group. iv In terms of education for disaster prevention, knowledge, attitude and prepareness, students of the treatment group perform better. In learners’ satisfaction, students of the treatment group are satisfied with the teaching approaches, the quality of learning, learning interaction, evaluation on learning, and reflections on learnig. Based on opinions of WebQuest learning, Students of the treatment group show high approval of cyber design teaching, WebQuest structure, reflections on learning activities and cooperative learning. Based on the above findings, we can find that it is feasible if a teacher applies WebQuest Teaching Module to the design of disaster-prevention education. Further suggestions for instruction and future research are also provided for the reference of education workers.




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