  • 學位論文


Effects of Selling Orientation-Customer Orientation (SOCO) and Person-Job Fit to Performance: Mediation of Emotional Exhaustion

指導教授 : 賴鳳儀


企業重視顧客需求,為提供優良產品與服務,要求員工在服務顧客過程付出情緒勞務,獲取顧客滿意與忠誠,以維持競爭力(Leidner, 1999)。過去研究指出員工與顧客互動時的情緒表現是一個確定顧客評價服務品質的關鍵因素(Pugh, 2001)。但是員工在工作中不僅付出勞力,更需要耗費心理資源。許多研究驗證與討論員工情緒資源付出與相關負面後果(例如:情緒耗竭、離職意願,顧客評價等;Maslach, 1982;Saxton et al., 1991),但較少研究以個人在服務過程採取的銷售行為(銷售導向/顧客導向) 及個人與工作適配度進行討論。因此本研究試圖以資源保存理論為基礎,探討銷售人員的銷售/顧客導向以及個人-工作適配度是否透過情緒耗竭影響工作績效與服務品質。 本研究以高雄都會區72家房仲業、銀行業、百貨業與電信業為研究對象,為避免共同方法變異對研究產生影響,本研究以配對問卷進行調查,每一組有效問卷包含一位員工及其直屬主管與接受過該員工服務的三至五位顧客。其中,員工填答銷售/顧客導向、個人-工作適配度、和情緒耗竭,主管填答該員工工作績效,顧客填答該員工服務品質。共計回收有效問卷127組,885份問卷;含127位主管、127位員工以及631位顧客問卷。經由層級迴歸分析得到以下研究結論:情緒耗竭在顧客導向與工作績效間具完全中介影響效果;情緒耗竭在個人-工作適配度與工作績效間具部分中介影響效果;情緒耗竭在銷售導向與工作績效間無中介效果;情緒耗竭在銷售/顧客導向、個人-工作適配度與服務品質間無中介效果。依據研究結果,提出理論與實務意涵之研究建議。


High quality service has become important factors to corporate competition and customer loyalty. Most of high-contact services involve direct interactions with customers, service providers therefore need to regulate and manage their emotions during service encounters (Leidner, 1999). Previous studies indicated that emotion displayed by employees is one of the key factors to determine customers’ evaluations on service quality (Pugh 2001). As such, employees not only devote labor, but also contribute psychological resources to services. Empirical evidences showed negative consequences by losing employees' psychological or emotional resources (e.g., emotional exhaustion, turnover intention, customer evaluation)(Maslach, 1982;Saxton et al., 1991). However, there are less empirical studies investigate personal factors in such casual relationship. This study uses the Conservation of Resource (COR) Theory as theoretical underpinning, examine the emotional exhaustion mediation effect on :(1) relation between service/customer orientation and job performance and service quality. (2) relation between person-job fit and job performance and service quality. Research participants were drawn from 72 companies in Kaohsiung city, included real estate, banking, department stores, and telecommunication industries. In order to avoid common method variance (CMV), triad questionnaires were distributed to first-line service providers, their supervisors, and their 3-5 customers. Each employee self-report emotional exhaustion, SOCO, and person-job fit; superior evaluates the employee’s job performance; customers evaluate the employee’s service quality. 885 valid questionnaires (127 triadic) were returned, including 127 superior, 127 employees and 631 customer questionnaires. Results of hierarchical regression analyses showed: (1) emotional exhaustion mediates the relation between customer orientation and job performance (2) emotional exhaustion mediates the relation between person-job fit and job performance (3) emotional exhaustion has no mediating effect between selling orientation and job performance (4) emotional exhaustion has no effect between customer orientation and service quality (5) emotional exhaustion has no effect between person-job fit and service quality. (6) emotional exhaustion has no effect between selling orientation and service quality. Based on the research findings, academic and practical implications are discussed.


吳宗祐、鄭伯壎 (2006)。工作投入、調節他人情緒能力與情緒勞動之交互作用對情緒耗竭的預測效果,中華心理學刊,48,69-87。


