  • 學位論文


Study on Species and Distribution of Alien Plant on Flat Land and Coastal Area in Pingtung County

指導教授 : 葉慶龍 顏才博


本研究為探討屏東縣平地及沿海地區外來植物分布與入侵,以提供日後相關單位作為防治外來入侵種之參考。將屏東縣平地及沿海地區圖層以1×1 km²網格化,共計77個樣方,再從中分別對每一種棲地類型逢機選取樣區,記錄樣區座標、海拔高度、植物種類及覆蓋度。共記錄外來植物50科123屬172種,其中歸化種45科109屬162種;栽培種8科10屬10種。種數最多前3科分別為菊科27種、禾本科19種及豆科18種。主要的生活型為草本植物。原產地最主要來自美洲。原生種種數最多的為天然林164種、道路邊147種及果園103種。外來種種數最多的為道路邊123種、果園87種及人工設施82種。外來植物所佔比例最高的為廢耕地佔66.67%、水體佔62.79%及草原佔62.50%。入侵指數由高至低依序為道路邊、濱水地、人工設施、農地、果園、荒廢地、公園綠地、墓地、廢耕地、水體、人工林、海岸、天然林、塭岸、森林步道、竹林及草原。1×1 m²、2×5 m²及1×10 m²樣方的各歧異度分析結果顯示,Simpson指數最高為人工設施0.94,最低為草原0.26;Shannon指數最高為果園及人工設施3.27,最低為草原0.59;N1值最高為果園26.43,最低為草原1.81;N2值最高為人工設施16.28,最低為草原1.34;e均勻度指數最高為水體、人工設施及公園綠地0.74,最低為草原0.26。5×5 m²樣方中,調查到3種棲地類型,而人工林僅出現1種外來植物,其它2種棲地分別為Simpson指數天然林0.13、人工設施0.24;Shannon指數天然林0.34、人工設施0.41;N1值天然林1.40、人工設施1.50;N2值天然林1.15、人工設施1.32;e均勻度指數天然林0.16、人工設施0.59。全區共2045個調查樣點中,重要值指數(Importance value index, IVI)最高的外來植物分別為大花咸豐草(Bidens pilosa)、銀合歡(Leucaena leucocephala)、大黍(Panicum maximum)、孟仁草(Chloris barbata)、雙花草(Dichanthium annulatum)、野牽牛(Ipomoea obscura)、平伏莖白花菜(Cleome rutidosperma)、長柄菊(Tridax procumbens)、紅毛草(Rhynchelytrum repens)及大飛揚草(Chamaesyce hirta),前10名單中僅銀合歡為世界自然保育聯盟公告之「世界百大入侵種」。各行政區外來植物IVI值最高為大花咸豐草包括屏東市等21個行政區域;三地門鄉、泰武鄉及萬巒鄉為香澤蘭(Chromolaena odorata);高樹鄉為大黍;潮州鎮為孟仁草;春日鄉為野牽牛。外來植物危險等級評估,歸納出第一級的危險物種有大花咸豐草、長柄菊、野牽牛、大黍及孟仁草等39種,第二級危險的物種共31種,第三級危險物種共104種。


This research investigated the species and distribution of alien plants on flat land and coastal area in Pingtung County. The established information of this study can help other agencies in controling invasion species in Pingtung County. Systematic sampling scheme was used with seventy seven square kilometer grids as sample plots. Each habitat type was also randomly selected in plots, and their geographical coordinates, altitude, species, and cover of the area were recorded. The results showed that 50 families, 123 genus, and 174 alien plants occurred in the study sites, consisting of 45 families, 109 genus, and 159 species of naturalized plants; 13 families, 15 genus, and 15 species of cultivated plants. Three most abundant families are Compositae (27 species), Gramineae (19 species), and Leguminosae (18 species). Most alien plants were herbs and originated form America. The sites with the highest native plants richness were found on forest (164 species), roadsides (147 species), and orchard (103 species), while the highest alien plants richness were the roadsides (123 species), orchard (87 species), and artificial facility (82 species). The three highest coverage percentages of alien species were observed on abandoned land (66.67%), water area (62.79%), and grass land (62.50%). The invasion index, ranked from high to low, for habitats were roadside, waterfront, artificial facility, farmland, orchard, wasteland, park, cemetery, abandoned land, water area, plantation, coast, forest, pond shore, woodland trail, bamboo, and glass land. The diversity analyses of three different sample areas 1×1 m2, 2×5 m2, and 1×10 m2 indicated that the highest Simpson index was artificial facility (0.94), and the lowest was glass land (0.26). The highest Shannon index were orchard and artificial facility (3.27), while the lowest was glass land (0.59). Regarding the dominant species, the highest N1 dominant plant was orchard (26.43), and the lowest was glass land (1.81). The highest N2 most dominant plant was artificial facility (16.28), and the lowest was glass land (1.34). As for the evenness, the highest of e evenness were water area, artificial facility and park (0.74), while the lowest was glass land (0.26). For the 5×5 m2 sample site, the forest, its Simpson index, Shannon index, N1 dominant plant, N2 most dominant plant and e evenness were 0.13, 0.34, 1.40, 1.15 and 0.16, respectively; the artificial facility were 0.24, 0.41, 1.50, 1.32 and 0.59, respectively. Based on the results of 2045 plots, the Importance Value Indices of species were ranked decendently as Bidens pilosa, Leucaena leucocephala, Panicum maximum, Chloris barbata, Dichanthium annulatum, Ipomoea obscura, Cleome rutidosperma, Tridax procumbens, Rhynchelytrum repens, and Chamaesyce hirta, respectively. Among the top ten of alien species, only Leucaena leucocephala was listed in the “The world’s 100 worst invasive alien species” announced by International Union for Conservation of Nature. Bidens pilosa was the species with the highest IVI among 21 administrative divisions in Pingtung. Chromolaena odorata was the highest IVI at Sandimen, Taiwu and Wanluan township. In Gaoshu township, the species with highest IVI was Panicum maximum. While Chloris barbata and Ipomoea obscura were the highest IVI species in Chaojhou and Chunrih townships, respectively. In terms of danger level, there were 39 Grade 1 plant species, including Bidens pilosa, Tridax procumbens, Ipomoea obscura, Panicum maximum, and Chloris barbata and others. 31 species were Grade 2 and 104 species were Grade 3.


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