  • 學位論文


The research of the leisure farm experience and visitor's satisfaction--The case of Chulu cowranch

指導教授 : 段兆麟


體驗經濟時代的來臨,昔日保守、刻板的農牧場經營模式,已無法與現階段講求開放且能創造更高利潤,發揮最大效益之休閒農場相媲美。農牧場之轉型是時勢所趨,其經營模式已逐漸朝向生態體驗、親子休閒之經營型態所取代。因此,就初鹿牧場之經營範圍,於西元二○○四年一月已取得合法劃定為台東縣卑南鄉初鹿休閒農業區,經營行銷模式可由單一農產品走向多元化之產品,農牧場可規劃民宿、餐飲、體驗活動區,甚至可與休閒農業區業者策略聯盟,透過媒體和網路,推出多項定點套裝行程,供消費者依興趣和需求上網報名參加,也藉著問卷調查,瞭解遊客對休閒農場各項體驗活動之滿意度和建議,來做為經營者在行銷規劃和管理之參考。研究歸納結論與建議如下: 一、 牧場在體驗活動部分,較受歡迎是「喝鮮奶」、「森林浴漫步」、「遠眺山景」、「牛隻餵食」和「草原漫步」。 二、 牧場在「體驗活動」、「滿意度」與「重遊意願部份」之相關性與影響性部份,透過相關分析與迴歸分析後可以得知,三者之間皆具顯著正相關,且體驗活動會直接影響滿意度與重遊意願,而滿意度越高亦會影響重遊意願。 三、 建議牧場持續安排讓人放鬆心靈,輕鬆的體驗活動。 四、 建議可規劃提供露營或是設置烤肉區,如此才能延長遊客留住至農場時間並能製造商機。 五、 建議牧場平時對場內所有人員進行專業教育訓練與應對技巧,並擁有標準化的服務流程,相信是未來牧場應需著手思考安排的重要內訓項目。


體驗經濟 休閒農場 滿意度


Experience personally the approach in economic times, in former days conservative and inflexible business model in the agriculture ranch, have already can't stressed with present stage to open and can create more high profit, develop the recreational farm of the biggest benefit to mutually match in excellence. The transformation of agriculture ranch is an irresistible general trend, its business model already gradual experience personally toward the ecosystem, parents and children recreation of management type replace. Therefore, the management scope of Chulu ranch, in January, 2004 have already obtained the legal delimitation as Beinan country Chulu recreational agriculture area in Taitung County, management sell the mode can be headed for diversified product by single agricultural product, the agriculture ranch can program a hostel, dining and experience personally movable area, even can with recreational agriculture area operator's strategic alliance, through the media and the network, release several fixed-point suit a route of travel, provide consumer according to the interest and the need to register to attend on the Internet, also by questionnaire, understand a visitor is various to recreational farm to experience personally an activity of satisfaction and suggestion, be used as executive in the reference of the marketing and the management. The research induces conclusion and suggestion as follows: A, The ranch is experiencing personally activity part, more popular is "drink fresh milk", "communing with nature stroll", "take a distant look a mountain view", "cattle feed on" and"steppe stroll". B, The ranch is in relativity and influence part of"experience activity", "satisfaction" and"revisit a will part", through related analysis and regression analytical after can know, the of threes all has notable just related, and experience personally an activity will directly influence satisfaction and revisit will, and satisfaction more the Gao will also influence to revisit will. C, Suggest the ranch keeps on an arrangement to let the person relax a mind, easily of experience personally an activity. D, The suggestion can program to provide camping or constitution grilled meat area, thus can prolong a visitor to keep to the farm time and can make business opportunities E, Suggest the ranch peacetime carries on a professional training and replies technique to all personnels inside the field, and owns service process of standardize, believe to is the Xun item inside the importance that the ranch should need to begin thinking arrangement in the future.




