  • 學位論文


Discussion on the strength of slag concrete building blocks at the end of brick

指導教授 : 王弘祐


環境保護與永續發展被視為重要課題。因此,如何處理廢棄物,以符合再生利用資源材料至為重要。為進一步了解焚化爐底渣的應用,探討底渣粒料對於水泥混凝土砂漿各項強度的影響,以利對底渣再後續推廣與利用。 因此,本試驗設計一套積木磚,利用積木磚的卡榫接合取代一般磚牆使用水泥砂漿作為黏結之功用,節省堆砌的時間,減少拆除後產生之廢棄物,降低環境的污染。以通過16號篩之焚化爐產生之底渣與相同級配之天然砂作為主要試驗骨材。並依此分為兩種,進行強度試驗相互對照,為符合經濟成本及環保原則。研究中添加了爐石粉與F級飛灰,分別取代水泥及底渣,添加比例為在5%~20%。經過水泥砂漿之各種不同的配比拌合、灌模並進行養護等步驟後,進行試體之抗壓、抗拉及抗彎等強度試驗。依其強度選訂12組抗壓強度接近對照組之配比,進行積木磚之灌製。 將天然粒料以底渣取代後之結果,底渣砂漿試體較水泥砂漿試體的重量約減少20%,5×5×5cm之天然砂試體約0.271kg則底渣試體約0.230~0.234kg,於重量上有明顯的減輕。製作成積木磚後進行長跨距及短跨距抗彎試驗,顯示積木磚之抗彎所抵抗之側向力並非來自磚頭本身,是以卡榫與卡榫間的結合來底抗抗彎時所受的力。而一般磚頭疊砌方式多為牆面組合,相對必須所承受的力與抗彎時相同。因此,積木磚本身的抗壓強度以不無須太過要求。


垃圾焚化爐底渣 飛灰 爐石


Environmental protection and sustainable development is regarded as an important topic. The proper disposal and satisfaction of criterion of recycled waste is essential. The study is to further understand the application of incinerator bottom ash and its influence of the strength of cement concrete mortar, and to facilitate on the subsequent promotion and utilization of bottom ash. Trial designs of mortise block bricks, forming a short wall or other simple brick measures by mortise lock instead of by cementing, are proposed by using bottom ash fine aggregate. The mortise bricks could reduce the time of stacking, the demolition waste, and the environmental pollution. Two main groups of cement mortars, individually containing the grain size less than 1/16” incinerator bottom ash and natural fine aggregate, are designed. Furnace slag powder and class f fly ash replace the cement and bottom ash in each proportion of mortars, with replacement ratio of 5%~20%. Compressive, tensile and flexural strength tests of 12 selected proportions are held to evaluate the feasibility of the proportions. The replacing natural fine aggregates by using bottom ash could reduce the weight of 5x5x5cm specimens of cement mortar by approximately 20%, i.e. evidently deduct the 0.271kg of natural fine aggregate specimen to 0.230~0.234kg of specimen containing bottom ash. Flexural strength of the mortise block brick, stacked in an I-type unit and fixed by plastic strap, under different supporting span, displays that the mortise of the bricks plays the key role controlling bending resistance of the I-type brick unit instead of cross section of a single brick. The results suggest that the compressive strength of mortar the mortise brick per se should not be emphasized when stacking brick measures but the arrangement of the bricks should be properly studied.




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