  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 柯立祥 王鐘和 彭克仲


近年來有機農產品常被檢驗出有農藥殘留,引起國內消費者的恐慌,標榜有機蔬果是最安全的,因殘留農藥而使消費者對有機農產品產生疑慮,也對農民造成莫大傷害。消費者對食品安全意識提升,農藥殘留問題日益受到重視,因此應加強有機農產品安全管理規範,以確保有機農產品的完整性。 如何有效運用有機驗證使得農產品在培育過程中不使用非法手段而獲得更佳的品質及產量,且結合服務品質獲得消費者的滿意及信任,是相當重要課題。 本研究以有機農產品為研究對象,以品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment,QFD)系統探討農產業者對於農產品之品質維護及保證,協助有機農產品業者對農產品生產階段就能夠確認顧客之需求,這些資訊能結合在有機農產品顧客需求及生產作業需求階段中,做為品質管理分析的一項工具,正確的了解顧客之需求,進而超越顧客的期望。


Abstract Student ID:N9811001 Title of Thesis:A Study on Integrating Quality Function Deployment and Service Quality in Organic Certification Total Page:68 Name of Institute: Graduate Date:January¸2014 Degree Conferred:Master Name of Student:Fang¸Yu-Chia Adviser:Dr.Ke﹐Lin-Shang Dr.Wang¸Chong-Ho Dr.Peng¸Ke-Chung The Contents of Abstract in This Thesis: In recent years, organic produce was often checked out pesticide residues, and it caused consumers to panic. Organic products are paraded as the safest, but the pesticide residues be checked out in organic products caused that consumer concerned the safety of organic products. The result also caused the reputation and economics lose to farmers. The consumer’s awareness gradually enhanced to the issue of food safety and the pesticide residues in agriculture products were concerned simultaneously. Therefore, it should enhance the safety management specification of organic products to ensure the integration of organic products. It was more important how to utilizing the organic certification effectively during the plant growth and increasing quality and yield following the safety management specification. In the same time, combining the quality service took the confidence and satisfaction of consumers. The studies focused on organic products, it used quality function deployment(QFD) system to discuss the issue that farmers how to ensure and protect the quality of products. The system assisted producers make sure consumer’s demand during the plant growth stage. The system was a effective tool for quality management of products, it combined the demands of consumer with the producer’s program of organic products. Utilizing the system could completely understand the demand of consumer and made the products to exceed the expectance of consumers. Keywords: quality service, quality function deployment, organic certification


