  • 學位論文


Absorption and Deposition of Pigments on Egg Yolk of Laying Hens Using Canthaxanthin as Pigment in Comparison With Modified Fat-soluble Food Colorants

指導教授 : 謝豪晃 鄭達智


類胡蘿蔔素是天然色素,其多功能性吸引了物理學家、化學家、生物學家、營養學家和其他相關領域的關注。近年來,由於顏色及抗氧化等優點使世界各地的家禽業者與消費者偏好具有色素沉積的蛋黃。因此,在肉雞皮膚和蛋雞蛋黃上以類胡蘿蔔素作為色素已有許多研究。然而,目前尚未見到以使用食品著色劑作為飼料添加劑使蛋黃色素沉著的報告。本試驗旨在探討以Canthaxanthin(CXT)和藍、綠、紅3種不同顏色脂溶性食品著色劑(B,G,R),對於蛋黃色素吸收和沉積之影響。試驗使用62週齡海蘭品系單冠白色來航蛋雞共48隻,隨機分配到8個處理組,每處理6隻雞,處理組分別為:對照組(玉米、大豆粕基礎飼糧),飼糧中色素添加量以CXT添加5 ppm,藍、綠及紅色色素則添加10 ppm。對照組、MB、MG及MR處理組在試驗全期皆不更換飼糧,而RB、RG及RR處理組以三天為單位進行更換。此外在CXT處理組中,兩重複維持餵飼CXT飼糧(MCXT),另外四重複則更換為基礎飼糧(RCXT)。每隻雞每日早晚分別給予65及45克飼糧,飲水皆採任飲。每日給予16小時光照及8小時黑暗,於每日下午收集產蛋並記錄蛋重和採食量。收集之蛋樣品會計算產蛋率及測量產蛋性能、蛋品質、蛋黃沉色及顏色變化。試驗結果得知,產蛋率(EP)、產蛋量(EM)、飼料換蛋率(FCR)有達到顯著差異(P < 0.05)。MB處理組較其他處理組有較高的EP、EM和 FCR(100%、64.55 g、1.64)。各處理組在蛋品質(蛋型係數、蛋殼百分比、蛋殼強度、蛋殼厚度及霍氏單位)皆無達到顯著差異(P > 0.05)。L* a* b*值不論在生蛋黃,或水煮蛋黃在統計上皆有達到差異性。在生蛋黃及水煮蛋黃是以MCXT和RCXT處理組有較高之L* a* b*值,其餘處理組則與對照組無顯著差異。另一方面,蛋黃顏色沉積只在餵飼CXT處理組(MCXT及RCXT)被發現,其他以食用著色劑處理組之蛋黃顏色均無改變。比較此兩種色素形態,發現食品著色劑並無法沉積至蛋黃中使顏色改變。


Carotenoids are natural pigments attracting the attention of physicists, chemists, biologists, nutritionists, and other related areas due to their multiple functions in nature. In recent years, consumers and poultry industries have great preference on pigmented egg yolk worldwide due to their colour and antioxidant benefit. Therefore, numerous researches on the use of carotenoids as pigments have been undertaken on both skin of broilers and egg yolk of laying hens. However, the use of food colorants as feed additive for the purpose of egg yolk pigmentation has not been reported. The aim of this work is to assess the absorption and deposition of pigment in egg yolk using canthaxanthin (CXT) as well as three modified fat-soluble food colorants (Blue, Green, and Red). A total of 48 (62-week-old) Hy-Line laying hens were randomly divided into 8 treatments with 6 replicates per treatment: Apart from the control (corn-soybean meal basal diet treatment), CXT received 5ppm while 10ppm of pigment per treatment was used for all other treatments. Control, MB, MG, and MR treatments were maintained on strict allocated diets while treatments RB, RG and RR were rotated. Two replicates from CXT treatment were maintained on allocated diet (MCXT) while four replicates were alternated with basal feeding (RCXT). Birds were provided daily ration of 65g and 45g feed in the morning and evening respectively. Water was given ad libitum while, light was scheduled at 16 hours and darkness was 8 hours. Remaining feed and eggs were collected and weighed daily. Other parameters of production performances, egg quality, colour determination and development were also measured. Results obtained from this experiment shows that egg production (EP), egg mass (EM), and feed conversion (FCR) ratio parameters were significantly different among dietary treatment (P<0.05). Treatment MB had higher EP, EM, and FCR values (100%, 64.55g, and 1.64) respectively compared to other treatments. All dietary treatments show not significant different on egg quality parameters measured (shell index, shell percentage, shell strength, shell thickness, and haugh unit), thus p>0.05. Statistical differences were observed among treatments on L* a* b* values of both fresh and boiled eggs. Treatments MCXT and RCXT shows higher L* a* b* values on both fresh and boiled egg yolks with no significant differences between the control group and the treatments with modified fat-soluble food colorants. Colour development, on the other hand, was only found on treatments which received CXT pigment (MCXT and RCXT) and no deposition on treatments with modified fat-soluble food colorants. However, comparing the absorption and deposition of the two types of pigment, modified fat-soluble food colorants did not show any deposition into the egg yolks hence, showed lower colour stability.


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