  • 學位論文


A Study on the Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Compounds in the Atmospheric Environment in the Tourist Night Markets

指導教授 : 謝連德


探討觀光夜市於非夜市活動時段 (日間) 與夜市活動時段(夜間),懸浮微粒所含多環芳香烴(Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons;簡稱PAHs)化合物之分佈特性。本研究選定南臺灣高屏地區觀光夜市(高雄市六合觀光夜市、屏東觀光夜市與屏東瑞光夜市)進行研究,本研究所使用儀器為八階微孔均勻沈積衝擊器 (Micro-Orifice Uniform Deposit Impactor, MOUDI) 進行日間與夜間觀光夜市之大氣懸浮微粒採樣。採樣後,將濾紙上懸浮微粒樣本先經秤重並計算出質量濃度,再以索氏萃取法、濃縮、淨化、再濃縮、吹拂等相關程序,最後以GC/MS進行PAHs之定性與定量分析。研究結果顯示: (1)就總質量濃度而言,六合夜市大於屏東觀光夜市大於瑞光夜市,且三個觀光夜市營業時段/非夜市營業時段比值均大於1。 (2)三處觀光夜市Total-PAHs濃度,非夜市營業時段平均總濃度介於59.20~126.00 ng/m3,而夜市營業時段之平均總濃度介於122.84~160.56 ng/m3,其中以六合夜市夜間Total-PAHs為最高,其次為瑞光夜市夜間。 (3)三處觀光夜市在環數上,皆以五環為最高,其次為四環。以低中高分子量而言,皆為高分子量佔據最高 (66.93 %~78.13 %)。 (4)觀光夜市之Total-BaPeq為六合夜市夜間為最高,其次為瑞光夜市夜間,而瑞光夜市日間為最低。 (5)觀光夜市之工作人員和遊客暴露量範圍分別為346.81~265.33和43.35~33.17 (ng/d),以六合之工作人員暴露量為最高,其次為瑞光夜市,而遊客之暴露量也具有此現象。


This study investigated the distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compounds in suspended particles at night markets during off-hours (daytime) and business hours (evening time). Several night markets in the Kaohsiung-Pingtung area of Southern Taiwan (Liuhe Tourist Night Market in Kaohsiung, and Pingtung Tourist Night Market and Ruiguang Night Market in Pingtung County) were used as the research subjects. The atmospheric aerosol sampling instrument used in this study was an eight-band micro-orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI). After the sampling was completed, the suspended particles on the filter were weighed for calculating the mass concentration. Subsequently, several procedures, including Soxhlet extraction, concentration, purification, reconcentration, and blowing were performed. Finally, the PAHs were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed using gas chromatography−mass spectrometry. The results are presented as follows: (1)The total mass concentration of Liuhe Tourist Night Market was higher than that of Pingtung Tourist Night Market, which was higher than that of Ruiguang Night Market. The off-hours/business hours ratio at the three night markets was higher than 1. (2)The average total PAH concentrations at the three tourist night markets ranged between 59.20 ng/m3 and 126.00 ng/m3 during off-hours and between 122.84 ng/m3 and 160.56 ng/m3 during business hours. Liuhe Tourist Night Market had the highest total PAHs during business hours, followed by Ruiguang Night Market during business hours. (3)The highest number of rings at all three night markets was five rings, and the second highest was four rings. The proportion of high-molecular-weight PAH was the highest at all three night (66.93 % to 78.13 %). (4)Regarding total BaPeq, Liuhe Tourist Night Market ranked the highest during business hours, followed by Ruiguang Night Market during off-hours; however, the total BaPeq of the Ruiguang Night Market was the lowest during off-hours. (5)The exposure ranges for staff and tourists at the night markets were 346.81 to 265.33 ng/d and 43.35 to 33.17 ng/d, respectively. Regarding the exposure amount, both the staff and tourists at Liuhe Tourist Night Market received the highest exposure, followed by Ruiguang Night Market.


Bjorseth, A. and Ramahl, T., 1983, “Sources and Emission of PAH. Handbook of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,” Vol. 1, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York and Basel.


