  • 學位論文


The Effects on Tree Health for (Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum) Thinning Plantations in Snowy Mountain, Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳朝圳 陳建璋


疏伐(Thinning) 為人工林建造過程中之重要撫育作業,適當的疏伐作業之林分密度管理,將有助於立木的生長及提升林木的材質。以往於紅檜人工林之相關研究中,大都著重在不同地區生長收穫模式之建立或疏伐對林分生長、直徑分布和單木生長等之影響,較少綜合探討不同疏伐度處理之林木健康狀態。本研究以中部疏伐示範區-大雪山紅檜(Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum)人工林為研究範圍,利用林木健康評估表為材料,評估大雪山地區紅檜人工林,不同疏伐處理之林木健康度,並藉由生長錐(Increment Borer)及微型數位探測儀(Digital Micro Probe, DMP ) 之非破壞式探針,配合現地調查的資料,調查大雪山地區紅檜人工林不同疏伐處理之生長、材質及地被組成的差異,最後建立綜合性的疏伐林之林木健康監測法。研究結果顯示,實行重度及中度疏伐之樣區,林木健康狀態多半呈現健康,其年輪寬度與對照區有顯著性差異,疏伐後11-22年間疏伐效益有逐漸減弱之趨勢,而年輪密度則隨著時間之推移,有增加之趨勢,但不受疏伐作業所影響。地被多樣性方面因為重度及中度疏伐樣區,實施疏伐作業,使林內透光及空間增大,其物種多樣性較對照區高,最後進行綜合性的疏伐林森林健康監測,得知強度疏伐及中度疏伐之綜合疏伐效益較佳,而對照區因受到林內的空間及競爭等因子影響則為劣,疏伐作業確實可增進林木生長、增加物種多樣性及增進林木健康。


Thinning is an important construction process for artificial forest tending operations. Properly thinning will help the stand density management, the tree growth and enhance the stumpage values. Previous studies for red cypress artificial forest mostly focus on the establishment of different growth harvesting model, the thinning effects of individual tree and stands growth, and diameter distributions by thinning in different site. And less comprehensive discussed the trees health conditions in different thinning levels. In this study, the central thinning demonstration area - Snowy red cypress (Chamaecyparis formosensis Matsum) plantation as a study area, use the tree health assessment to assess the health condition for different forest thinning treatment in Snowy Mountains. We use the non-destructive probe of Increment Borer and Digital Micro Probe (DMP) to explore the tree growth for red cypress plantation in different thinning treatment. The tree-ring width, tree-ring density and species diversity would be used to assess the effects of thinning treatment. Finally, we would like to establish the monitoring process for thinning effects. Results showed that the moderate and severe thinning appear a good health condition, the ring width is also higher than the control area and showed a significant difference. Meanwhile, we found that the benefits trends have gradually weakened after 11-22 years thinning, ring density is increased with the passage of trend time but it is not affected by thinning operations. The species diversity of severe and moderate thinning is higher than control area. The thinning operation would increase light and growing spaces which are conducive to regeneration for ground cover plants. Finally a comprehensive tree health monitoring had been assessed that the moderate and severe thinning had excellent benefits, whereas control area was bad benefits which had been affected by the factors of tree competition. The thinning operation actually will improve tree growth, species biodiversity and tree health.


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