  • 學位論文


An Automatic Tilting Braking System for Tiltable Multi-Wheel Scooter with Road Banks Compensation Capability

指導教授 : 曾全佑 余致賢


三輪以上之可側傾機車具有二輪機車的靈活性以及方便性,並且大幅提高騎乘之安全性,為高單價機車發展趨勢之一。但可側傾機車因可自由側傾,若沒有一套鎖定系統,則停車時車輛會傾倒,駕駛者必須以雙腳著地支撐,對於技術不純熟與身障者而言,使用上非常不方便與危險。因此本研究針對人力側傾的三輪機車,開發電液自動鎖定系統,以便根據車況給予系統鎖定或解鎖命令,使駕駛者停車時雙腳不需放下,並且在離開時車輛也不會傾倒。由於機車之重心位置非常高,於停車鎖定時,若車身角度不正確,非常容易傾倒,因此本研究提出一套能量回收型車身傾角自動補償系統以及控制策略,在人力側傾過程中提供適當的側傾阻尼力,以提升安全性,同時回收儲存側傾過程的能量,以便於停車時,利用所提出的單步預測控制法則(on-step-prediction control),將車身扶正至垂直於水平之位置,以補償路面坡度以及駕駛者姿勢之變化,而不使車身傾倒。 研究中,以一部三輪人力側傾機車為平臺,設計並製作電液(Hydro-electric)自動鎖定與能量回收系統,研究工作內容包含機構設計與分析、電控液壓迴路設計、整車控制系統建立、傾角補償與自動鎖定控制器設計等。實車道路測試結果顯示,本研究所開發的電液自動鎖定與能量回收系統,能以100%的成功率,於正確時機鎖定側傾機構,同時,傾角補償系統也能夠利用所回收的能量,在0.6秒內,將偏離5度的原始車身角度,控制至垂直於水平之中立位置(穩態誤差小於1度)。


Rollover is one of the most important problems in the area of scooter safety. The multi-wheeled tiltable scooters (MWTS) with more than two wheels have been proven to be with the same agility as two-wheel scooters while with higher comfortably and lower risk of rollover during cornering maneuvering. Thus it has become the main stream of high quality scooter development in the world. Currently, most of the MWTS in the market are equipped with manual tilting system tilted by driver. In such type of product, a manual braking system is generally used to lock the tilting mechanism by the driver when the scooter is stop; otherwise, the driver has to support the scooter by his own legs for preventing from tipping. This is incontinent to unskillful or handicap drivers in stop-and-go driving. To make the MWTS to be more comfortable and safe, a novel automatic lock system for the MWTS is proposed in this thesis. The proposed system is consisted of hydraulic locking mechanism, tilting motion energy recycle system, and a controller. Based on the status of the scooter, the controller is used to determine lock or unlock command to the locking system when the scooter is stopped. The energy recycle system provides an appropriate amount of damping force to the tilting motion, through two hydraulic cylinders of the locking mechanism, and simultaneously transforms the tilt force into pneumatic pressure and then stored it by a small oil-pneumatic tank. The stored pressure energy is used to bring the scooter body returning to an appropriate angle vertical to the sea level before locking up the tilt mechanism, controlled by a proposed one-step-prediction control algorithm. Because of high position of center of gravity of the scooter, this roll angle compensation is important for preventing the scooter being tipped when the scooter is stop on a variety of conditions such as road bank, driver pose change, or irregular road surface. In this thesis, design and analysis of the locking mechanism, the hydraulic circuit, and the control algorithm have been conducted and discussed. The proposed system has been implemented on a 125 c.c. tiltable three-wheel scooter. Experimental results from road tests show that the proposed automatic lock can perform automatic lock and unlock control successfully at a successful rate of 100%. Furthermore, the energy recovery system and the roll angle compensation control system can successfully recover the energy and apply it to bring the vehicle body to target position from an initial roll angle deviation of 5o, within 0.6sec and with steady state error of being smaller than 1 °.


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