  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Tourism Fair to Attract International Tourists: The Case of Mongolian Ecotourism Promotion in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃文琪


蒙古的生態旅遊和永續旅遊業之需求因其對環境友好、具教育功能且對地方社區有利而日益增長。蒙古政府持續規劃新的措施促進國家保護區作為生態旅遊目的地;這些措施能在保護自然資源的前提下,減少貧困,並為地方的永續發展創造前景。這項研究旨在探討蒙古國參展商參加台北國際旅遊博覽會的有效性,主要目標和面臨的挑戰,並了解台灣學生的旅行偏好以及他們前往蒙古進行生態旅遊的意圖。使用Viber線上即時通訊軟體採訪了過去三年在台北國際旅遊博覽會上參展的蒙古參展商,並對303名就讀於屏東科技大學的台灣學生進行問卷調查。 本研究發現,參加台北國際旅展對於蒙古國及其參展商宣傳形象,服務和產品都具有重要意義。參加旅展的主要目的是提高國家和公司的聲譽以及國際認可度。此外,它還有助於與策展國之合作夥伴建立牢固的關係,並為與台灣公司合作和在台灣開拓新市場創造機會。台北國際旅展的蒙古參展商面臨各種挑戰,例如語言障礙和機票價格以及其他費用。此發現有助於為旅展參展商和策展單位提供概念性和管理面的考量。受訪學生每年與家人和朋友一起旅行超過3次,且偏好合理的價格。 有意前往蒙古進行生態旅遊者對自然和環境問題、秀麗的自然風光,賞鳥和徒步旅遊活動有興趣。台灣是吸引遊客到蒙古的潛在市場,主要客群是對生態旅遊活動有興趣者。


Ecotourism and sustainable tourism in Mongolia are increasing in demand as they are environmentally friendly, insightful, and beneficial for local communities. The Mongolian government has been implementing new projects for promoting national protected areas as ecotourism destinations. These initiatives have been planned to preserve natural resources, minimize poverty, and build prospects for local, sustainable development. This research aims to identify the Taipei International Travel Fair's effectiveness, primary goals, and challenges for the Mongolian exhibitors who participated and understand Taiwanese students' traveling preference and their intention to travel to Mongolia for ecotourism. For the last three years, Mongolian exhibitors who have been exhibiting at the Taipei International Travel Fair were interviewed using the Viber application. The 303 respondents studying at the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology were approached through Taiwanese students' questionnaires. This study indicated that the Taipei International Travel Fair was significant for both the country (Mongolia) and the exhibitors to advertise their image, services, and products. The primary purpose of participating in a travel fair was to promote country and company reputation and international recognition. Furthermore, it helps build a strong relationship with partners and creates an opportunity to corporate with Taiwanese companies and a new market in Taiwan. There have been various challenges associated with exhibitors at the Taipei International Travel Fairs, such as language barriers and airline prices, and other costs. This finding contributes to presenting conceptual and managerial considerations for travel fair exhibitors and the tourism business. Many students travel more than three times a year with their family and friends and prefer more reasonable prices. This study indicated that they have the intention to travel to Mongolia for ecotourism. They were engaged in nature and environmental concerns. The scenic nature, bird watching, and trekking ecotourism activities met their interest. Taiwan is a potential market to attract tourists to Mongolia, mostly based on their interest in ecotourism activities.


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