  • 學位論文

南化地區雌性台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)之交配叫聲

Copulation calls of Female Taiwanese macaques (Macaca cyclopis) in Nanhua Area

指導教授 : 蘇秀慧


雌性動物在交配時常常會伴隨明顯而特定的交配叫聲(copulation call),而這些交配叫聲常發生在社會關係複雜的靈長類動物上,這些交配叫聲的功能可能是雌性向高位階雄性傳達目前的生殖狀態的訊息,促使雄性前來交配或是防止雄性的殺嬰行為,母猴在懷孕後仍發出可受孕的訊息,藉以混淆子代的父系血緣。而雌性台灣獼猴(Macaca cyclopis)交配時,也會發出叫聲,為了解雌性台灣獼猴發出叫聲的功能,本研究檢視以下6個假說:(1)母猴宣告排卵期,(2)「好基因」假說,(3)促進精子競爭假說,(4)混淆子代父系血緣假說,(5) 降低其他母猴騷擾假說,及(6)刺激公猴射精假說等,以了解雌性台灣獼猴生殖叫聲之功能。以焦點動物取樣進行生殖活動之雌性個體,記錄交配互動的靠近起始者,維持配對關係的起始者,公猴射精和跨騎時間點,以及母猴發出叫聲的有無、時間長度、次數、和大小聲,同時還會以特定行為取樣猴群中交配互動,另外,隨機行為取樣母猴之間的敵意互動以決定其位序。 結果表示雌性台灣獼猴傾向在跨騎之後發出交配叫聲,而母猴的交配叫聲與公猴是否射精以及有無配對關係之間有相關,但與母猴是否懷孕、特定的公猴以及母猴本身的位階高低之間並無顯著相關。此外,母猴發出交配叫聲時間點與公猴有無射精有相關,根據研究結果顯示母猴不論是在單次跨騎交配事件還是多次跨騎交配事件,一跨騎事件公猴若有射精時,母猴傾向在交配之中發出叫聲,公猴若無射精時,母猴則傾向跨騎之後發出叫聲。另外,在多次跨騎交配事件中,雌性台灣獼猴發出交配叫聲的時間點與公猴有無射精有顯著相關,顯示叫聲與刺激公猴再次交配相關。因此,雌性台灣獼猴之交配叫聲可能與其生殖策略相關。


Female calls are distinctive during mating, especially in the primates. These copulation calls make female to convey the ovulation time to facilitate dominant males mate or calls after pregnant achieve paternity confusion to avoid the infanticide. Female Taiwanese macaques (Macaca cyclopis) make calls during mating, but the function of copulation calls has not been clearly reported. Therefore, we aimed to test six hypothesis, copulation calls (1) are signals their fertile phase, (2) increase the probability of mating with particular male, (3) incite male-male sperm competition, (4) confuse paternity certainty to reduce the risk of infanticide, (5) advertise the presence partner to reduce other females harassment, and (6) stimulate male ejaculation. In order to do this, during each mating activities of the focal animals, we recorded for who initiate mounting and maintain the consortship, whether males ejaculate, the mounting series, and whether and when females call by using focal animal sampling and behavior sampling. We also recorded the agonistic behavior between the macaques by using the ad libitum to decide their social rank. Female Taiwanese macaques called more frequently after dismounting. The female copulation calls was associated with consortship and ejaculation or not. However, the copulation calls with pregnant of female, the particular male and the rank of female weren’t correlated. Besides, the ejaculation was highly associated with the pattern of female copulation calls. Matings with the single-mount ejaculate and multi-mount ejaculation show that female called more frequently during mounting when ejaculation occurred, but called more frequently after dismounting without ejaculation .The pattern of female copulation call are correlated with male ejaculation that stimulate male mating again. Above all, copulation call was associated with the mating strategy of the female Taiwanese macaque.


Copulation call mating behveior


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