  • 學位論文


The Influence of Word-of-Mouth and Conformity Behavior on Consumers' Shopping Behavior in Facebook -the Subjective Norm as the Mediating Variable

指導教授 : 王韻




With the development of modern network science and technology, the rise of social network, which makes the people's dependence on social media increased, and in recent years many enterprises have been running social media, making social media become one of the important platforms of trading commodities, which also shows that social media gradually become the new choice of mass consumption pipeline, Therefore, it has become a trend to explore the factors that promote the purchase intention in the Community network. In this context, the study chose to take social shopping in Facebook as an example to explore the effects of community shopping in Facebook, online word-of-mouth, subjective norms, and behavioral intent. The questionnaire was used to encode and document 270 valid questionnaires, and the structural equation model was applied to analyze them. Based on the overall model measurement, the results are as follows: first, conformity behavior and network Word-of-mouth have positive and significant influence on subjective norms. Secondly, conformity behavior has no direct effect on the intention of behavior. Third, the network Word-of-mouth has a significant direct effect on behavior intention. The subjective norm has positive mediating effect on the relationship between conformity behavior and behavior intention. Subjective norms have a positive mediating effect on the relationship between network Word-of-mouth and behavioral intention. Subjective norms have positive and significant effects on behavioral intentions. Conformity behavior plays a very important role in the society of Taiwan, but the result shows that the behavior intention is not directly influenced by the conformity behavior, but it needs the subjective criterion, which shows that Taiwanese consumers are not directly influenced by conformity behavior in society, Instead, the behavior of relatives and friends or elders to do compliance.


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