  • 學位論文

社交網絡服務網站之網路口碑資訊分享與傳遞行 為及效果研究-以臉書(Facebook)為例

The Information Sharing and Delivery Behavior and the Effects of Online Word-of-Mouth in Social Networking Sites-A Case Study of Facebook

指導教授 : 陳志萍


口耳相傳的效應因網際網路web2.0的興貣,帶動網路口碑傳播的興盛,促使人們在購買產品之前,增加訊息蒐集的便利性。近年來社交網絡服務網站的使用者快速增加,尤其是知名的社交網站臉書(Facebook),是全世界使用者以及台灣網路使用者最主要使用的社交網站。臉書(Facebook)能夠透過朋友搜尋器尋找現有的社會資本,也能夠透過帄台上與使用者的網路口碑訊息互動,以拓展個人的社會資本朋友圈。當前社交網絡服務網站臉書(Facebook)也是使用者愛用分享網路口碑的帄台,因此研究將以臉書(Facebook)作為主要的研究帄台。 本研究參考國外學者Chu(2009)所提出對於影響社交網絡服務網站的網路口碑資訊分享與傳遞行為的五個因素:社會資本、關係強度、同質性、信任以及人際關係影響性之架構進行修正。第一部份,檢測臉書(Facebook)的網路口碑資訊分享與傳遞行為與是否會受到五個因素(社會資本、關係強度、同質性、信任以及人際關係影響性)的影響;第二部份透過實地實驗法的方式,將Google Analytics程式點閱率嵌入測詴網頁中,檢視不同社會資本使用者的網路口碑瀏覽量效果以及五大因素對於網路口碑瀏覽量的影響。 本研究結果顯示,社會資本、關係強度、同質性、信任、人際關係皆對於網路口碑資訊分享與傳遞行為有影響性,尤其是社會資本朋友數少、強連帶關係、同質性低、信任度高以及受到人際關係影響性高的傳播者,愈願意傳遞網路口碑訊息。此外在網路口碑瀏覽量效果結果顯示,當社會資本朋友愈高,網路口碑瀏覽量的效果會愈佳;同時,網路口碑瀏覽量效果尤其受到社會資本人數多、關係強度弱、同質性低的因素影響;信任度及人際關係影響性因素較低。此外,網路口碑訊息效果的傳遞週期維持在1-3天左右,效果會依時間流逝而急速遞減。最後,本研究結果提供企業主及廣告商作為網路口碑效果的指標,另一方陎,建議企業主能夠善用臉書(Facebook)既有的功能,能有效建立消費者的品牌印象。


As the Web2.0 Internet has become more popular, online word-of-mouth is the process by which consumers disseminate their views about marketplace goods and services. Online word-of-mouth is quite common for consumers online to gather information through the Internet before deciding on buying a product online or in a brick and mortar store. In recent years, the numbers of people using social networking sites has increased dramatically. There are now more than half a billion registered users of the well-known global social networking site, Facebook. It is the important social networking sites in the world and Taiwan. . The site affords a convenient means of establishing social capital by finding and connecting with friends through the friend finder feature. People can easily interact with friends through online word-of-mouth exchanges in Facebook. Thus, people can establish their friends networked of social capital with friends in Facebook. Facebook is a key platform on which people love to share online word-of-mouth. As a result, Facebook serves as the main platform in this study. This study applied and revised the research of Chu’s dissertation framework. Chu suggests that the effects of online word-of-mouth information sharing and delivery behavior depend on five factors: social capital, tie strength, homogeneity, trust and interpersonal influence. This study determines the effects of these five factors on online word-of-mouth information sharing and delivery behavior in Facebook. In addition, this study through the Google Analytics program embedded in the test page for click rates and the way of field experiment method to explore the effects of different levels social capital among users’ on online word-of-mouth effect. This study also surveys the five factors for their effects of online word-of-mouth. The results of this study demonstrate that:social capital, tie strength, homogeneity, trust and interpersonal influence effect online word-of-mouth information sharing and delivery behavior in Facebook. It is worth noting that, when the sender has more the characteristics endowed with less social capital friends, strong tie, lower homogeneity, higher trust and higher interperpersonal influence, the more willing they will be to delivery online word-of-mouth. On the other hands, the online word-of-mouth effects demonstrate that:when the sender has more social capital friends in Facebook, the effects of their online word-of-mouth will be better. The results also found, the best effects of online word-of-mouth were characterized with high social capital friends, weak tie strength, the lower homogeneity, while, the factors of trust and the lower interpersonal influence are less affect online word-of -mouth effect. In addition, the life cycle for the effects of online word-of-mouth is very brief over in 1-3 days, and may decline with time. Finally, the results of this study can inform enterprises and prospective advertisers through establishing benchmark indexes of online word-of-mouth. Accordingly, we could conclude that enterprise can make good use of numerous functions in Facebook; it can effectively establish consumer brand impressions and help maintain favorable online word-of- mouth.


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