  • 學位論文

台灣水鹿(Rusa unicolor swinhoii)生活史的地區變異

Spatial variation in life history of Formosan Sambar (Rusa unicolor swinhoii)

指導教授 : 翁國精


生物為了適應不同的環境,會在形態、生理、行為上產生不同反應,進而呈現不同的生活史。台灣水鹿(Rusa unicolor swinhoii)適應力強,廣泛分布於台灣低至高海拔山區。由於海拔不同導致棲息環境的植被、溫度、光照等不一致的現象,可能導致不同地區水鹿族群的生活史具有差異。本研究利用自動相機觀察不同地區的水鹿生活史特徵發生時期,包括高海拔的石水山、新康山區、中海拔的楠梓仙溪林道及低海拔的知本林道與九份二山。生活史特徵包含公水鹿的角週期、打鬥、雌雄同群、交配、幼鹿出現。本研究結果顯示不同地區的水鹿其角週期發生的時間有差異,但角週期發生時間與海拔無關。雌雄同群與打鬥兩項生活史特徵機率分布呈正相關。此外,幼鹿出現的時間會隨海拔降低而延後。幼鹿最早出現在高海拔地區的石水山,最晚出現在低海拔的知本林道。欲釐清造成生活史差異的原因,應針對不同地區的植被、物候及食草品質對水鹿有何影響做進一步的研究。


In order to adapt to different environments, organisms response in form, physiology and behavior, which produces variations in life history. Formosan Sambar (Rusa unicolor swinhoii) has great adaptability and is widely distributed from low to high altitudes in Taiwan. Differences in vegetation, temperature, and solar radiation along the elevations may lead to variations in life history of Sambar liveing in different regions. This study uses camera traps to observe life history traits of Sambar in Sinkang Mountain and Shishuishan at high altitudes, Nianxi Forest Road at middle altitudes, and Zhiben Forest Road and Jiufen Ershan at low altitudes. Life history traits included antler cycle of male, fighting, grouping of male and female, mating, and fawn. Timing of antler cycle differed among areas, but the difference was not correlated with altitude. Grouping of male and female and fighting occurred during the same period of time. In addition, fawn appeared later at lower altitudes. Fawn appeared earliest in Shishuishan at high altitude and latest in Zhibenlin road at low altitude. Further study on the effects of vegetation, phenology and food quality on sambar is necessary to answer why life history traits vary spatially.


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