  • 學位論文


Effect of dietary supplementing yeast cell wall extract on production performances, carcass traits, intestinal morphology, and immune response of colored native chickens

指導教授 : 謝豪晃


本試驗旨在探討飼糧中添加酵母細胞壁(yeast cell wall, YCW)萃取物對黑羽及紅羽土雞生長性能之影響。試驗一為黑羽公土雞試驗,採用240隻14日齡黑羽公土雞,採4處理 × 3重複,每重複20隻雞,並分欄飼養,餵給試驗飼糧分別為A(基礎商用飼糧對照組)、B(添加125 mg/kg之YCW)、C(添加250 mg/kg之YCW)及D(添加500 mg/kg之YCW)等4組,飲水及飼糧皆採任食。每隔兩週將雞隻個別秤重並記錄個別之體重及每欄之飼料消耗量;於試驗前中後期,每欄挑出個別標誌3隻雞抽血進行Newcastle disease(ND)及Infectious bronchitis(IB)抗體力價檢驗,在生長試驗結束後,每處理組逢機挑選6隻雞隻犧牲,進行屠體性狀測定,同時進行腸道菌相及腸道絨毛型態檢測。試驗二為紅羽公土雞試驗,採用240隻1日齡紅羽公土雞,採3處理 × 4重複,每重複20隻雞,飼養於各欄,分別為A(基礎商用飼糧對照組)、B(添加250 mg/kg之YCW)及C(添加500 mg/kg之YCW)等3組,飲水及飼糧皆採任食。每隔兩週將雞隻個別秤重,並記錄個別之體重及每欄之飼料消耗量;在試驗前中後期,每欄挑出個別標誌3隻雞抽血進行ND及IB抗體力價檢驗,於生長試驗結束後,每處理組逢機挑選4隻雞隻犧牲,進行腸道菌相及腸道絨毛型態檢測。 試驗一結果顯示,生長性能方面添加組在10週齡時,平均體重有較高之趨勢,D組在10週齡時,體重顯著優於A組(2537.02 vs 2440.30 g),從飼養週期2-10週來觀察,D組平均日增重顯著優於A組(41.38 vs 39.63 g/g)。血清學檢測結果,D組ND抗體力價分布集中於較佳的免疫保護狀態,且D組抗體力價之變異係數低於A組(21.6 vs 30.2)。於屠體性狀方面,各組無顯著差異。腸道絨毛型態,迴腸絨毛長度與腺窩深度比則是C組顯著優於A及D組(3.75 vs 2.56, 2.31 )。腸道菌相方面,以C組之直腸大腸桿菌群數顯著低於A、B及D組(1.88 vs 5.77, 5.78, 6.00 cfu/g)。試驗二結果顯示,生長性能方面,在8-10週時C組平均隻日增重顯著高於A組(57.43 vs 49.20 g/bird)。腸道絨毛型態,C組空腸絨毛長度顯著高於A和B組(650.31 vs 538.81, 559.66 μm),各組空腸腺窩深度及絨毛長度與腺窩深度比則無顯著差異;而迴腸絨毛高度與腺窩深度比為C組顯著高於A和B組(4.76 vs 3.71, 3.87)。腸道菌相方面,空腸內各組間乳酸桿菌、大腸桿菌及總生菌無顯著差異,迴腸內A組大腸桿菌菌落數顯著低於C組(2.66 vs 6.16 cfu/g)。綜合上述,飼糧中添加酵母細胞壁萃取物,能有效改善有色肉雞前期體重及體增重,調節疫苗抗體力價,增強雞隻免疫,和增加腸道絨毛高度,強化腸道吸收能力。


The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementing yeast cell wall extract on growth performances, immune response, carcass and intestinal traits of colored native chickens. In experiment 1(Exp. 1), two hundred forty black feather male native chickens of 14 days-old were randomly allotted into 4 treatments × 3 replicates experimental design with 20 birds in each pen. The experimental diets were divided into three phases as starter, grower and finisher. The four treatment groups were fed diets with A(basal diet), B(with 125 ppm YCW), C(with 250 ppm YCW) and D(with 500 ppm YCW)in the experimental period. In experiment 2(Exp. 2), two hundred forty red feather male native chickens of 1 day-old were randomly allotted into 3 treatments × 4 replicates experimental design with 20 birds in each pen. The experimental diets were divided into three phases as starter, grower and finisher. The three treatment groups were fed diets with A(basal diet), B and C(with 250 ppm YCW)in the starter phase. During the grower and finisher phases, the group C were fed diets with 500 ppm YCW. Feed and water were provided ad libitum through the trial. Birds were weighed individually and feed consumptions were recorded every 2 weeks. Serum antibody titers of Newcastle disease(ND)and Infectious bronchitis(IB) were tested from nine birds of each treatment in Exp. 1 and twelve birds of each treatment in Exp. 2. In Exp. 1, at the end of the growth trial, 6 birds from each treatment were sacrificed for carcass characteristics, intestinal flora and jejunal and ileal morphology determination. In Exp. 2, at the end of the growth trial, 4 birds from each treatment were randomly selected for the intestinal flora test and jejunum and ileum morphology examination. The results of Exp. 1, showed that the body weight and the average daily gain of all YCW treated groups were higher than the control group at 10 wks of age, and the body weight of group D was significantly higher than group A(2537.02 vs 2440.30 g). However, the FCR were not significantly different among groups. Serology results showed that the antibody titers of ND in group D was concentrated in the better immune protection state, and the coefficient of variation in group D was lower than group A(21.6 vs 30.2). The carcass characteristics were not significantly different among all treatment groups. The ratio of villus height to crypt depth of group C was higher than groups A and D(3.75 vs 2.56, 2.31). The intestinal microflora test, showed that the coliforms counts of rectum in group C was lower than other groups(1.88 vs 5.77, 5.78, 6.00 cfu/g), and the Lactobacillus counts of jejunum in groups A, B and C were significantly higher than group D. The result in Exp.2, showed that the average daily gain of group C was higher than group A(57.43 vs 49.20 g/bird). The antibody titers of ND and IB were not significantly different among all groups. The villus height of group C was higher than groups A and B(650.31 vs 538.81, 559.66 μm), the ratio of villus height to crypt depth were not significantly different among all groups. The ratio of villus height to crypt depth of group C was higher than groups A and B(4.76 vs 3.71, 3.87). The intestinal microflora test, showed that the microbial counts of jejunum in all groups were not significantly different, and the coliforms counts of rectum in group A was significantly lower than group C(2.66 vs 6.16 cfu/g). Overall, the experimental results showed that the supplementation of yeast cell wall extract improve the body weight, average daily gain, intestinal morphology, and antibody titers of vaccination, and resulted in improving the growth performance of colored native chickens in the field trial in southern Taiwan.


