  • 學位論文


Study on the postprandial glycemic response and in vitro starch digestion of wheat products with fenugreek extract

指導教授 : 林貞信


目前全世界糖尿病是最常見的慢性病,糖尿病所產生的併發症會嚴重影響人類的健康。國人飲食中常以小麥磨成麵粉,製作成麵條、餅乾等加工產品,而小麥製成的產品,大多數為中和高升糖指數,會使餐後血糖急速上升,長期食用會造成高胰島素血症和增加胰島素抵抗性而引發第二型糖尿病。根據研究指出,葫蘆巴富含水溶性纖維,其中大多為半乳甘露聚糖,添加於飲食中食用後可以在腸胃內形成凝膠,將食物包覆,在腸胃中能緩慢地被消化,而減緩餐後血糖的急速上升。因此,本研究探討不同地區(中國、加拿大、印度)葫蘆巴萃取物及分別以不同濃度(0、4和6%)添加於小麥製品(中式麵條和餅乾)中,以手指末梢採取餐前0 min及餐後15、30、45、60、90和120 min之微血管血液,了解健康受試者餐後血糖反應、血糖反應曲線下面積、升糖指數、升糖負荷和胰島素指數之影響。研究結果顯示,在添加4%和6%葫蘆巴萃取物於麵條和餅乾中,餐後30 min的血糖反應與控制組比較,有顯著地(p<0.05)降低;而血糖反應曲線下面積則無顯著地(p>0.05)差異。胰島素指數方面,添加6%加拿大產地之葫蘆巴萃取物皆可顯著地(p<0.05)降低麵條和餅乾的胰島素指數。此外,在體內和體外消化後之升糖指數比較,結果顯示,添加6%葫蘆巴萃取物明顯低於4%,且顯著地(p<0.05)低於控制組。在體內試驗方面,麵條以大陸產地最低(56.4±3.6),屬於中升糖指數,餅乾則以加拿大產地最低(53.7±3.6),屬於低升糖指數;在體外試驗方面,麵條以加拿大產地之預估升糖指數為最低(65.56±1.25、76.25±0.80),屬於中和高升糖指數,餅乾之預估升糖指數最低為大陸產地(53.96±0.30、68.86±0.19)之葫蘆巴萃取物試驗品,屬於低和中升糖指數。依據實驗結果顯示,添加6%葫蘆巴萃取物呈現較好的效果,於飲食中有利於餐後血糖的控制。


At present, diabetes is the most common chronic disease in the world, and the diabetes complications affect human health seriously. People often diet with wheat flour which is usually made into noodles, biscuits and other products. The products made of wheat are mostly medium and high glycemic index, and cause postprandial blood glucose to rise rapidly, if long-term -consumption will cause hyperinsulinemia and increases insulin resistance and triggers type 2 diabetes. Previous studies have indicated that fenugreek is rich in soluble fiber which are galactomannans. It can not only form a gel in the stomach and delayed gastric emptying but also slow down postprandial blood glucose. Therefore, adding 0, 4 and 6% fenugreek extract from Chinese, Canada and India into wheat products (noodles and biscuits) was studied to understand postprandial blood glucose, incremental area under glucose response curve (IAUC), glycemic index, glycemic load, and insulinemic index in healthy subjects by finger-prick to collect fasting and postprandial blood at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min. The results showed that in the noodles and biscuits groups with 6% fenugreek extract had a significantly lower plasma glucose concentration at 30 min (p<0.05) than 4% and control group. IAUC is no significant between control group and test group. On the insulinemic index, the addition of 6% fenugreek extract from Canada significantly reduced the insulinemic index of noodles and biscuits. In addition, the glycemic index after in vivo and in vitro digestion was compared and the results showed that the addition of 6% fenugreek extract was significantly lower than 4%, and control group (p<0.05). In vivo tests, noodles were made from China fenugreek extract had the lowest glycemic index (56.4±3.6). Biscuits had the lowest glycemic index from Canada (53.7±3.6). In vitro tests, noodles with Canada fenugreek extract, the estimated glycemic index is the lowest (65.56±1.25, 76.25±0.80), which belongs to the medium and high glycemic index, and biscuits with China fenugreek extract, the estimated glycemic index is the lowest (53.96±0.30, 68.86±0.19), which belong to low and medium glycemic index. According to the experimental results, the addition of 6% fenugreek extract show better results, which is beneficial to control postprandial blood glucose in the diet.


李慧庭、 蔡玲貞、施純光、蘇矢立。2014。食物升糖指數與大腸直腸癌的關係。中華民國糖尿病衛教學會會訊10:12-14。
