  • 學位論文


Rethinking Disaster Relief and Public Policies in Taiwan : A Grassroots Worker’s Experience.

指導教授 : 何華欽




The thesis is based on disaster relief work development in Taiwan, attempting to reveal the working pattern of grassroots worker. The thesis started by discussing the services, and disaster relief work which carried out by frontline workers at each stage in Taiwan. And then discuss the context of politics making and the phenomena that often happened after the disaster happened. 8 in-depth interviews were conducted among frontline workers who have at least 2 years working experiences in Municipalities and County Goverments. Except for specialized level, finding indicates that the disaster relief work have already done by each authority, and there are not great differences between executive content. For example, the media effect causes disaster area thronged with volunteer and excessive supplies that need to deal with to avoid failing. Disaster relief work needs highly specialized division of workers and lateral communication. Also, passing down working experiences and setting up systems is highly needed in this work field. However, frontline workers often have high pressure, high risk and low support working environment. Comparing to other social work fields with rather mature development, there is a lack of sources and supports for disaster relief work, which lead to the frontline workers in this field quit their jobs. This research recommends that Taiwanese Social Affairs Section should focus on the multidisciplinary nature of disaster issues, assign disaster relief work responsibilities within the organization in advance, set up relevant corresponding protocols and procedures and adopt standard systems to address issues. In addition, top officials should listen carefully to the frontline workers’ advice and give those workers necessary resources, support and assistance. And focus on the problem of overloading work and potential occupational risk.


中央社。總統:落實災防法 不須等發布緊急命令。行政院莫拉克颱風災後重建推動委員會,重建新訊,2009年9月4日【http://morakotdatabase.nstm.gov.tw】。
內政部社會司(2014)。政府及民間團體募得款及支出使用明細2014年06月30日。取自921&88數位典藏/謝志誠的觀察學習與分享。【 http://www.taiwan921.lib.ntu.edu.tw/88S.html】。
