  • 學位論文


Using Patent Analysis to Investigate the Trend of Technical Development of Assistive Devices Needed for Older people who are Disabled in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李祥林


台灣人口迅速高齡化,失能的高齡人口亦劇烈增加,同時高齡者獨立自主生活的意願也大幅上揚,因此透過不同的輔具來協助失能的高齡者達成獨立生活的目的,可以改善獨居老人的生活品質。本論文應用專利分析探討臺灣高齡失能者所需輔具之技術發展,依據日常生活評估量表(Activities of Daily Living,簡稱ADL)所列失能項目,及輔具相關各詞作為關鍵字,檢索2018年5月20日前之台灣專利,再輔以人工判讀,共蒐集與論文相關專利459件。研究結果發現ADL所列之失能項目,均有創新技術,且於近年開始導入G、H類技術。本研究繪製技術功效矩陣、功效需求矩陣,並依據此二矩陣建構技術需求矩陣,發現滿足「平地走動」與「移位」二需求的創新技術最多,而創新技術應用最多的輔具「衣物與鞋子」。新興之G與H類技術則應用「住家及其它場所之安全設備」及「聽覺輔具」為最多。對專利申請人的分析發現學界在近年開使應G用與H類技術做為輔具創新技術的核心技術,且產學研三方面在技術創新發展上有明顯的差異。本研究依據研究發現建議產學研三方可進行技術研發合作,以提升我國輔具技術水準。


Taiwan's population is rapidly aging, and the disabled elderly population is also increasing dramatically. The willingness of the elderly to live independently is also greatly increased. This paper applies patent analysis to explore the technical development of the assistive devices needed for the elderly disabled in Taiwan. All the patents applied in Taiwan before May 20, 2018 are surveyed. 459 related patents are identified and collected for further analysis. The results from the analysis conclude the following. First, the innovative technologies represented by those 459 patents covers all the topics listed in the Activities of Daily Living (ADL). Secondly, the needs of ground walking and movements are the most satisfied. Thirdly, those innovative technologies identified in this research are most applied in garments and shoes domain. Further analysis of the emerging technologies in assistive devices, i.e. G and H technologies, are major applied in residence security devices and hearing aids. The analysis of patent applicants indicates that the technical development trends of industrial participants, the academic, and the research institutes are different. Additionally, the academic has started to apply the technology in G category to the assistive devices in the recent years. Finally, based upon the findings of this thesis, the author suggests a collaborative R&D can be organized and conducted to incorporate the R&D capabilities of the industrial participants, the academic, and the research institutes to speed the development of new innovative technology for assistive devices.


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