  • 學位論文


A Study on Settlement Development and Change of Hakka Village,Tien-liao,in Ping-tung City

指導教授 : 鄭春發


移墾社會的探討,為研究台灣史不可或缺的一環,透過聚落拓墾及發展之研究,可以深入了解聚落發展之歷程,對區域之研究亦有所助益。近年來有關六堆客家的開發史研究成果相當豐碩;惟對於屏東市客家文史的探討卻相當缺乏。本研究意在了解一個位於六堆邊陲與屏東街庄之間,南遷北客與南客混居的客家聚落之發展與變遷過程。本研究試圖以歷史、社會及空間結構的概念,建構田寮庄聚落發展歷程。 研究結果發現,田寮庄聚落變遷的主要關鍵來自於不同時期政府政策施為:日治時期部分原居新竹、苗栗的台灣北部客家人,南遷至屏東街庄東郊的田寮庄,瞨地耕種,聚落空間扮演糧食生產角色;第二次世界大戰結束後,隨著國民政府實施的土地改革政策及社會政治、經濟的發展,田寮聚落由昔日提供糧食生產的農業區逐漸變成學校、機關林立的文教區;而隨著臺灣經濟快速發展,屏東縣政府於民國63~65年(1974~1976)辦理屏東市第一期水源市地重劃、民國71~74年(1982~1985)辦理屏東市第三期水源市地重劃,田寮庄聚落空間地表從昔日糧食生產的角色,在政府都市計畫的政策下,被形塑為今日提供住宅、商業及公共設施等機能的聚落風貌。


屏東市 田寮庄 客家 聚落 地理資訊系統


The research of the immigration analyzed through the document which is a significant issue to research the history of Taiwan,deeply known its developing and structure that can be helpful to study the Hakka stribes。 In recent years,instead the prosperouse result of the Hakka peoples development in Liuk Tui area is culture specific,there is lack experience in Ping-tung City。The structure of moving southward as well as the Liuk Tui stribes in southern of Taiwan,the documents are to understand what kind of the problems are between them,which way can make us know what is the process,Tien-liao stribes。 The top key to the immigration of Tien-liao stribes comes from the policy of the governments,which belong to different kinds of the generations。Hakka people who period of Japanese ruled in northern of Taiwan immigrated into the south,Tien-liao ,in Ping-tung,farming and producing food as well as sharing their space;Over the world war,with the policy,social politics and the development of economy,Tien-liao stribes were becoming a school region,culture and education area. With the economy in Taiwan was growing rapitly,the area had been redrew the first head-water point from 1974 to 1976,and down the third head-water point from 1982 to 1985。Under the policy,not only did Tien-liao offer the stribes, it was also shaped an example,which can be seen residential areas,business zones,public facilities land,and etc.


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