  • 學位論文


Using goat milk as the main ingredient with adding textured plant proteins and gums for producing emulsified sausage

指導教授 : 林美貞


臺灣每年生產約15,000公噸羊奶,主要以鮮奶或調味奶的形式販售,然而因羊乳具獨特之羊羶味,導致其較不受消費者所青睞。臺灣消費者大多嗜飲溫羊奶,因此夏季對羊奶需求量較低,導致羊奶產生供過於求之現象,為了解決夏季剩餘羊乳之問題及擴大銷售市場,因此可開發低羊羶味之產品。本研究目的旨在以羊奶為主要原料開發乳化型香腸。 試驗一主要探討將水或羊奶含量提高至60%,瘦肉降低至35%並製成香腸,以喜好性品評探討其可行性。試驗一之一般成分分析結果顯示,葷食乳化型羊乳香腸(MG)之粗蛋白、粗脂肪及灰分皆顯著高於葷食乳化型香腸(MW),而在水分方面則是MW顯著高於MG,其原因為羊乳中有88%含水量及12%總固形物;由喜好性品評結果可得知,MG除了外觀及香氣顯著高於MW,其於的口感、多汁性、適口性、風味及總體接受度皆與MW無顯著差異,而色澤分數略低於其他品評項目,因市售香腸皆呈紅色,而本試驗樣品則呈白色,因此品評分數略低;由總生菌數結果可得知,不論添加水或羊乳於香腸中皆可儲存至第25天且符合中華民國國家標準(CNS)(5 log CFU/g)。   試驗二主要探討利用組織化大豆蛋白或組織化小麥蛋白與食品膠取代瘦肉製成乳化型香腸之可行性,並檢測其一般成分、CIE色澤分析、質地剖面分析、pH值、總生菌數、喜好性品評及製成率。一般成分分析結果顯示粗蛋白與粗脂肪並無太大之差異,在水分方面以組織化小麥蛋白製成之乳化型小麥羊乳香腸(WGA0.5),因額外添加0.5%食品膠,使得水分有顯著上升;色澤分析可看出乳化型香腸其色系相近;質地剖面分析結果顯示乳化型香腸間並無顯著差異,其中以組織化小麥蛋白與0.5%食品膠製成之乳化型小麥羊乳香腸(WGA0.5)組別其硬度、咀嚼性、彈性及黏著性皆與葷食乳化型羊乳香腸(MG)組相近;在總生菌數方面由結果顯示添加60%羊乳製成之乳化型香腸其儲存於4℃環境中可常達25天皆無超過中華民國國家標準(CNS)(5 log CFU/g);喜好性品評方面以組織化小麥蛋白製成之乳化型香腸(WGA0.5)組別適口性與總接受度較高;製成率方面以無添加食品膠之組別其製成率皆可達93.85-94.59%,當食品膠之添加時其製成率也隨之上升。 綜合上述,將羊乳作為主原料進行乳化型羊乳香腸之開發具可行性,並且推薦以組織化小麥蛋白混合0.5%食品膠製成之乳化型小麥羊乳香腸,不僅可以降低羊乳中所含之羊羶味、增加羊乳之使用量,也可利用此產品協助臺灣解決部分夏季剩餘羊乳之問題。


乳化型 羊乳 新產品 香腸


There are produces about 15,000 metric tons of goat milk produced annually in Taiwan . Goat milk is marketed as fresh goat milk or flavored goat milk in Taiwan. However, the unique goaty flavor of goat milk and Taiwanese consumer habit of drinking warm goat milk cause reduction of demand and overstocking of summer goat milk in Taiwan. In order to reduce this problem, new product with less goaty smell is needed to be introduced. The aim of this study was to use goat milk as main ingredient for producing emulsified sausages. In experiment 1, we studied the practicality of increment of water or goat milk content to 60% and reduction of meat to 35% in sausage production. Result of Textural Profile Analysis (TPA) in Experiment 1showed that meat emulsified goat milk sausage (MG) had significantly higher crude protein, crude fat and ash content than meat emulsified sausage (MW). Water content of MG was significantly lower than MW because goat milk consists of 88% water and 12% Total Solid. Result of sensory evaluation showed that MG scored significantly higher than MW in appearance and aroma, but did not show any significant differences in chewiness, juiciness, palatability, taste, and overall acceptance. However, color of MG scored lower than MW due to the white appearance of MG, rather than red appearance that are similar to marketed sausages. Result of Total Bacterial Count (TBC) showed that both MW and MG can be stored up to 25 days under 4℃, which follows Chinese National Standards (CNS) (5 log CFU/g). In experiment 2, the practicality of adding textured soy protein or textured wheat protein and gums for substitution of meat in emulsified goat milk sausage production. The analyses used in Experiment 2 include proximate analysis, CIE color test, TPA, pH value test, TBC, sensory evaluation and yielding rate. Result of proximate analysis showed no significant differences between treatments in crude protein and crude fat. Moisture of emulsified goat milk sausage added with textured wheat protein and 0.5% gums (WGA0.5) was significantly higher than other treatment, due to additionally added 0.5% food additives. Both meat and emulsified goat milk sausage had similar color test result. Result of TPA showed that there was no significant difference between treatments, but WGA0.5 had scored similar to MG in hardness, chewiness, springiness, and gumminess. The TBC result showed that both meat and emulsified sausages can be stored up to 25 days under 4℃, which follows Chinese National Standards (CNS) (log5 CFU/g). Sensory evaluation result showed that WGA0.5 scored higher in palatability and overall acceptance. Yields of emulsified goat milk sausage were up to 93.85 to 94.59%. However, addition of food additives into milk sausages could further increase yields. In conclusion, using goat milk as main ingredient in emulsified goat milk sausage production is practical. Ratio of WGA0.5 is recommended as reference in emulsified goat milk sausage production as the goaty flavor of goat milk can be reduced, which indirectly increase the use of goat milk and may resolve the problem of excess summer goat milk in Taiwan.


emulsified goat milk meat new product sausage


