  • 學位論文


The optimum supercritical carbon dioxide extraction conditions for gingerols and application of ginger extract on dripping pill

指導教授 : 許祥純


薑 (Zingiber officinale Rosc.)為全球廣泛使用之辛香料,也是中醫及傳統印度醫學之藥用植物。薑所含之薑酚 (gingerol),又稱薑辣素,為其主要辣味來源及生物活性成分,其中以6-薑酚 (6-gingerol)、6-薑烯酚 (6-shogaol)、8-薑酚 (8-gingerol)及10-薑酚 (10-gingerol)含量最豐富。超臨界二氧化碳萃取技術 (Supercritical CO2 extraction)因萃取溫度低、萃取物容易回收且耗時短等優點,廣泛利用於植物成分之萃取。本研究以不同共溶劑比例、萃取壓力、萃取溫度及萃取時間為因子,以田口法探討超臨界二氧化碳萃取薑辣素之最佳條件。實驗結果得到一組最適條件為添加共溶劑比例 30%、壓力 4500 psi、溫度65°C及萃取時間 120 min,可獲得最高薑辣素含量 179.83±17.78 mg/g。   再以薑萃取物製成薑滴丸製劑,探討儲存期間的薑辣素含量及物理特性變化。結果顯示薑滴丸製劑中的6-薑酚含量於儲存期間顯著下降,8-薑酚含量變化不明顯,10-薑酚及6-薑烯酚在儲存第三個月時含量上升,整體而言總薑辣素含量無明顯變化。薑滴丸重量及直徑於儲存期間無明顯變化,硬度則隨著儲存時間增加逐漸軟化。其L值、a值、b值及白度值均呈先下降後上升趨勢,此些結果可作為薑辣素萃取及滴丸相關加工食品開發之參考。


Ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) is a widely used spice and medicinal plant. It has been used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine. Gingerols are the main sources of spiciness and biological activity in ginger. The major gingerols include 6-gingerol, 6-shogaol, 8-gingerol and 10-gingerol. Supercritical CO2 (scCO2) extraction technology is widely used for extraction of active compounds in plants. This technology has the advantages such as: low extraction temperature, easy to separate the extract and reduction of extraction time. The optimum scCO2 condition for gingerol extraction was evaluated. Co-solvent ratios, extraction pressure, extraction temperature, and extraction time were the factors evaluated by Taguchi method. The results showed the optimum conditions were co-solvent ratio 30%, pressure 4500 psi, temperature 65°C and extraction time 120 min. The highest gingerol content was 179.83±17.78 mg/g.   Ginger extract obtained by scCO2 extraction was used to make dripping pill. The gingerols content and the physical properties of dripping pill were investigated during storage. The results showed that the content of 6-gingerol in ginger dripping pill significantly decreased during storage. The content of 8-gingerol did not change significantly, but 10-gingerol and 6-shogaol significantly increased after 3 month storage. The total gingerols content remained similar after storage. The weight and diameter of dripping pill did not change significantly during storage. The hardness gradually decreased with storage time. The L, a, b value and whiteness decreased first then increased during the storage. The result might provide useful information for extraction of gingerol and production of dripping pill.


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