  • 學位論文


Antagonistic Bacteria Integrated Spent Mushroom Culture Substrate for Biological Control of Tomato Bacterial Wilt

指導教授 : 陳麗鈴 梁文進


番茄是一種很普遍的經濟作物,而番茄青枯病引起植株萎凋死亡,是一重要的病害,其病原細菌爲Ralstonia solanacearum. 本研究的目是要發展一種結合拮抗微生物與耕作管理的綜合生物防治策略以防治番茄青枯病。從校園內,及屏東縣瑪家鄉及高樹鄉採集的土壤樣本中,共分離獲得58株拮抗細菌菌株,且由其中篩出具強拮抗能力的二株菌株,並已鑑定爲Bacillus amyloliquefaciens TR-1及TRS-7。初期將TR-1及TRS-7與一參考菌株Bacillus subtilis PMB03,分別培養於木屑栽培基質混合基質(SCS mixture)及廢棄菇蕈木屑基質混合基質(SMSS mixture),於溫室盆鉢試驗以評估防治青枯病效果,發現TR-1及TRS-7及PMB03菌株培養於SCS及SMSS混合基質都具有防治青枯病的能力。爾後選擇以TRS-7菌株培養於SMSS混合基質再進行多項試驗,結果發現將培養TRS-7的SMSS混合基質填入已接種青枯病菌之盆鉢中,種植番茄苗,再澆灌TRS-7細菌細胞液於盆鉢表面的綜合防治法,都可獲得很好的防治效果。試驗中若使用在苗期預先接種TRS-7番茄苗或及種植前再浸泡TRS-7細菌細胞液有增強防治效果。根據溫室盆鉢試驗結果,將此綜合生物防治方法,於田間進行試驗,在接種青枯病菌的畦表土穴中,填入培養TRS-7之廢棄菇蕈木屑基質混合基質(SMSS mixture),爾後種植番茄苗,再澆灌TRS-7細菌細胞液於苗根土壤表面,也獲得很好的番青枯病防治效果。結合於畦面土表覆蓋透明塑膠布一個月的日光熱能處理,也有強化防治效果。


Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) is one of widespread commercial vegetable crops. Among the pathogens that affect the tomato crop, the soil borne bacterial pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum, causes wilt disease that makes plant death, significant losses in yield and decreases quality of tomato. The objectives of this study are to develop a strategy by combining antagonistic bacteria with other practical culture methods to control tomato bacterial wilt. In this study, 58 strains of antagonistic bacteria are isolated from soil samples collected from campus of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Majia and Gaoshu township in Pingtung. Two of 58 strains are identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens TR-1 and TRS-7 that express strong antagonistic effects against R. solanacearum. TR-1, TRS-7 and a reference strain Bacillus subtilis PMB03 are cultivated in spent mushroom sawdust substrate (SMSS) mixture and sawdust culture substrate (SCS) mixture respectively, and used to evaluate the control ability to tomato wilt in pot experiments in greenhouse. The result showed that all three strains of TR-1, TRS-7 and PMB03 have good control effect on tomato wilt. TRS-7strain grown in SMSS mixture is used to conduct further experiments, and the results explained that the integrated method of filling TRS-7 SMSS mixture to central well of pot where R. solanacearum has been inoculated, then planting seedling and pouring cell suspension of TRS-7 on pot surface around seedling can express high control efficiency on tomato wilt. Moreover, using seedling pre-treated with TRS-7, or/and dipping seedling root system in cell suspension of TRS-7 before transplanting to replace the non –treated seedling in experiment, can also inhibit tomato wilt well. Based on protocols from pot experiments in greenhouse, the integrated management is also conducted in field experiment to control tomato bacterial wilt. The results shown that this bio-control strategy of utilizing TRS-7 SMSS mixture has also good control effects in field. The solar sterilization treatment by covering transparent polyethylene sheet on plot surface for one month introduced to field experiment for controlling tomato bacterial wilt can also enhance control effects.


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