  • 學位論文


The Research of Feasibility Assessments on the Food Safety System and Food Police Fra in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳敏華 林儒緯


食品與健康關聯密不可分,而臺灣至 1975 年《食品衛生管理法》公布後,歷經多次修正到現在的《食品安全衛生管理法》(以下簡稱《食安法》)仍接續性的發生食品安全事件,不僅使消費大眾對於政府在食品安全把關上失去信任,也可能影響到臺灣在國際食品產業的競爭力。由此發現臺灣的食品安全制度上,包含風險分析、食品安全稽查等相關執行方面仍有探討及改進空間。食品安全事件的發生不僅在臺灣,世界各地皆有案例,平時的預防及發生事件後的處理動作相對重要。故本文先將歐盟、美國、日本的食品安全與衛生相關政策與體制,及義大利的食品安全警察制度進行分析,接著以質化研究法之深度訪談法與相關領域之專家、學者或與從事第一線工作者深度訪談,討論臺灣在食品安全衛生管理上目前所面臨到的問題和建立食品安全警察之可行性,以完善臺灣在食品安全衛生管理上的制度。結果指出臺灣現階段成立專責的食品安全警察是非有必要性,但是在中央單位的橫向聯繫上及食品安全風險分析部分仍有改進、加強空間。據此,建議中央機關在與地方機關或者與橫向機關的聯繫溝通、配合上要有一致性的作為,最源頭做好預防把關,比事後補救來得更為重要,也才能使臺灣在食品安全衛生把關做得更盡完善。


Foodstuff and health are inextricably linked. After the promulgation of the《Food Hygiene Management Law》from the 1975 year of the “Republic of China Era” (1975), the《Act Governing Food Safety and Sanitation》(hereinafter referred to as the《Food Safety Law》), which has been amended many times to the present, has continuously occurred food safety incidents. The food safety incident has caused consumers to lose trust in our government's food safety control, also it is affect our competitiveness in the international food industry. It was found that there are still a lot improvements in Taiwan's food safety system, including “Risk Analysis”, “Food Safety Inspect” and other related implementation aspects. The occurrence of food safety incidents is not only in Taiwan, there are cases around the world. The prevention and post-event handling actions are relatively important. Therefore, this dissertation first discusses the implementation of the relevant policies and systems of food safety and hygiene in EU, the United States and Japan, as well as the system of the food safety police established in Italy. In the research method, we used is in-depth interview method of qualitative research. According to the topics discussed in this dissertation, the interview outline is drawn up, followed by in-depth interviews with experts, scholars, and first-line workers. Based on the above research, we keep discussing the current status of food safety and hygiene management in Taiwan, where is facing the food safety problems. Also we mention about the feasibility of establishing food safety police system which may improve Taiwan’s food safety and hygiene management policy. In the final part, we summarised the research conclusions and several suggestions from the results we collected. The results point out that it is not necessary for Taiwan to establish a professional food safety police, but there are still some improvements of food safety risk analysis in the horizontal connection of the Central Agencies and Unit. Accordingly, it is suggested that the central agency should have consistent actions in communication and cooperation with local agencies or with horizontal agencies. The first line of defence is more important than remedial measures afterwards, so that Taiwan’s food safety and sanitation control can be improved.


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