  • 學位論文

臺灣觀光夜市的食品安全現況研究 -以高雄市為例

The Research on Food Safety Management of Tourist Night Market in Taiwan- An Example of the Kaohsiung City

指導教授 : 吳敏華 林儒緯


臺灣擁有「美食王國」的稱號,夜市同時也是台灣一大特色。外國 觀光客曾表示,夜市是來臺灣旅遊的必經景點之一,然夜市的環境衛生同 時可能會降低消費者在夜市用餐的意願。遠見雜誌曾寫過一篇「全台夜市 遊逛」大調查,調查中發現有過半民眾 51.5%認為夜市「不整潔」,比起 認為「整潔」的 28.5%高出許多。此外根據衛福部食藥署從 1981年至 2018年資料統計顯示,近十年來發生於「攤販」的食品中毒案件數高於過去的 發生次數。因此本研究先進行前測在高雄觀光夜市採樣,共採三樣商品進 行微生物公告方法檢測,分別為滷味、鹽水雞及芭樂,得出兩 件檢驗不合 格,其一為大腸桿菌群超標,另一個為驗出含有大腸桿菌。接著透過問卷 調查的分析方式,實地針對問卷中的題目進行觀察,訪查觀光夜市包含瑞 豐夜市、六合觀光夜市、凱旋青年夜市、興中觀光夜市、忠孝觀光夜市、 光華觀光夜市及勞工夜市,問卷樣本數共計 513份,問卷設計依衛福部 公告的《食品安全管理法》及『食品業者良好衛生管理基準』為主,觀察 內容包含從業人員的服裝與個人衛生及攤位周圍環境。根據觀察結果顯 示,從業人員的服裝與個人衛生都有需要進行再教育訓練的必要,攤位的 環境衛生以商品販售中存放的設備較有食品安全上之疑慮。若將 七個觀 光夜市進行比較,發現興中觀光夜市整體衛生條件較優良,而勞工夜市整 體較其他觀光夜市差。最後針對此研究結果 給予適當的建議 ,希望增加攤 販從業人員的衛生教育訓練並改善觀光夜市的硬體設備等,以 提供各主 管機關參考。 關鍵字 : 夜市、食安、食品安全、問卷調查


夜市 食安 食品安全 問卷調查


a consequence, this study was aimed at sampling in the night market in Kaohsiung city. Three commodities had been tested by Microbiological inspection including braised dishes, Taiwanese salty chicken and fruit. Two of the commodities failed the inspection. One was discovered Coliform exceeding the statutory limit, another was detected Escherichia coli in it. A questionnaire in this study, followed the standards “An Analysis of Food Traceability System of Food Safety Law “and “Good Hygiene Practice”announced by Ministry of Health and Welfare, designed to investigate the real situation within the below night markets: Ruifeng Night Market, Liuhe Tourist Night Market, Kaisyuan Night Market, Xingzhong Night Market,Jhongsiao Night Market, Gwanghua Night Market, and Yide Night Market. Major questions were designed to collect the opinions on the personal hygiene, wearing and the booths surrounding environment in order to find the solution for such issues mentioned above. Thus, there were 513 number of samples received during the whole investigation. According to the result, practitioners has much room for improvement on the personal hygiene and wearing, the sanitary quality on the booths surrounding environment indeed has food safety defects, mostly the facilities for food storage.Taking a comparison among the seven tourism night markets, we can have a conclusion that Xingzhong Night Market may win the first place in III sanitary quality, on the contrary, Yide Night Market may be the last one. Finally, in order to giving an appropriate suggestion by the result of the research to any competent authority, I recommend increasing the personal hygiene training of the practitioners, and improving the hardware equipment of the night markets. Key words : night market、、Food safety、、Questionnaire


night market Food safety Questionnaire


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