  • 學位論文

超音波輔助萃取對檸檬(Citrus limon)皮抑制消化酵素能力及抗氧化成分之影響

Effect of Ultrasonic-Assisted Extraction on Digestive Enzymes Inhibition and Antioxidant Component in vitro of Lemon (Citrus limon) Peel

指導教授 : 蔡碧仁 高莫森


近年來,綠色萃取技術 (Green extraction technology) 逐漸受到學界與業界的重視,如超音波輔助萃取、高壓萃取技術、脈衝電場及微波輔助萃取等,以減少萃取時間與有機溶劑的使用量,避免萃取過程中對經濟及生態環境之影響。本研究以檸檬皮作為原料,並利用超音波輔助萃取 (Ultrasonic-assisted extraction, UAE) 與靜置萃取法 (Maceration extraction, ME) 相比,探討是否能有效地提高檸檬皮之抗氧化能力及生物活性成分的釋放,並分析不同成熟度檸檬皮之抗氧化、抑制消化酵素 (碳水化合物水解酵素及脂肪分解酵素) 能力及以HPLC分析其主要酚類化合物。研究結果顯示,檸檬果皮中主要酚類化合物以橙皮苷 (Hesperidin) 及芥子酸 (Sinapic acid) 為主,且經超音波輔助萃取後,與靜置法 (Maceration extraction, ME) 相比,抑制消化酵素 (⍺-澱粉酶、⍺-葡萄糖苷酶及脂肪分解酵素) 能力分別顯著提升約1.1倍至6.7倍,橙皮苷 (Hesperidin) 及芥子酸 (Sinapic acid) 含量則分別增加約2.3倍及1.2倍,而經相關性分析結果,兩者化合物對於抑制消化酵素皆呈高度相關。將不同成熟度之檸檬皮經最佳超音波輔助萃取後,以未成熟檸檬皮具有較佳抑制消化酵素 (⍺-澱粉酶、⍺-葡萄糖苷酶及脂肪分解酵素) 能力,分別高於成熟者約10%、5%以及46%。又以主成分分析 (Principal component analysis, PCA) 結果證明,以UAE及ME萃取之檸檬皮,分別位於第一主成分的兩側,並以⍺-澱粉酶抑制能力及橙皮苷 (Hesperidin) 為區隔樣品之主要貢獻因子,亦即UAE不但可縮短萃取時間,且可萃取出較高的抗氧化成分、抗氧化能力及抑制消化酵素水解能力。綜合上述,檸檬果皮具有發展為天然消化酵素抑制劑及抗氧化劑之潛力,且有助於解決副產物衍生的環境問題,並增加其經濟價值。


In recent years, green extraction technologies, such as ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE), have gained attention in the academic community and the industry as they can reduce solvent consumption and environmental pollution. In this study, the effects of UAE and maceration extraction (ME) on the antioxidant component and digestive enzymes inhibition (⍺-amylase, ⍺-glucosidase and lipase) from lemon peel with different maturity were compared. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed that hesperidin and sinapic acid were the most abundant phenolic compound in lemon peel. After UAE, the inhibition of digestive enzymes (⍺-amylase, ⍺-glucosidase and lipase) increased by 1.1 to 5.6 times in comparison with ME, along with the hesperidin and sinapic acid increased 2.3 and 1.2 times respectively. The results indicated that, hesperidin and sinapic acid are highly correlated with digestive enzymes inhibition. Also, compared with mature samples that the immature lemon peel exhibited the highest inhibition of digestive enzymes (⍺-amylase, ⍺-glucosidase and lipase) which were increased by 10 percent, 5 percent and 46 percent, respectively. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that samples extracted by UAE and ME were located on the opposite side of the Prin1 axis, and hesperidin and ⍺-amylase inhibition were the important contributor of this separation. It suggested that UAE may promote the release of more phenolic compounds and higher antioxidant activity which leads to a better inhibition on the digestive enzymes. In summary, the lemon peel was found to be a natural inhibitor for digestive enzymes after UAE, and such an approach may help with addressing the environmental problems related to lemon by-products.


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