  • 學位論文


Plants Selection Model of Vegetation Engineering in Soil and Water Conservation Measures

指導教授 : 陳天健 謝杉舟


植生工程在選用植物時,常發生種類單一或僅選用草類進行施工之問題,有時亦未考慮到植物適生環境及立地條件,導致工程效果不如預期。因此本研究蒐集189種常用水土保持植物基本資料(包括適生環境、特有耐受性、植生導入方法、建議萌芽或移植期)建置成植物查詢系統,提供植生工程選種時之參考。該查詢系統可依工區之地文條件及環境因子(土壤酸鹼值、土壤濕度、溫度等)等,同時輸入數個現地條件,篩選出適用之植物及植生導入方法。再者,北回歸線(熱帶與副熱帶的分界線)通過臺灣導致北部及南部氣候條件不同,植物生長海拔在學術上無明確的定義劃分及數值化產品,易出現相同海拔的植物生長及適應情形不同狀況,因此本研究採用「林務局第四次森林資源調查報告成果」之全島森林林型分布資料,配合全臺20×20 m2 DEM資料進行分析,將臺灣各植物種類海拔分布情形繪製成盒鬚圖,進而訂定植物查詢系統之各區植物適合生長的海拔範圍,最後整合植物特性資料庫,建置一套植物查詢系統。本系統經現地驗證後在海岸地區準確率為82%、泥岩地區為78%,顯示本植物資料庫在未來確實能夠提供給工程設計人員或工程人員植物選用參考依據,並精進植生工程之品質。


There are some problems in vegetation engineering such as single species selecting or grass plants only. Because without considering the suitable growth environment of plants, failure is occurrence in vegetation engineering. Therefore, the basic features of 189 spicies plants commonly used in soil and water conservation measure and a database were established in the study. inputting the selection criteria, the query system would show out the suitable spicies and engineering methods of plants according to the geological and environmental factors (soil pH, soil wetness, temperature are included). The different geographical location leads to different climate condition in the northern and southern Taiwan. IThe different climate condition causes different plant growth and adaptation even in the same altitude. There is not specified definition and criteria to evaluate plants growth altitude,,therefore, this study adopts the Fourth Forest Resources Survey Report and 20×20 m DEM data for modelling. The boundary of plants growth is established by a box plot of the elevation of plant distribution. Last, we integrate above all data into the plants querying system . After field test to the system, accuracy in the coastal area is 82% and the mudstone area is 78%. The result shows the database and model of plants developed in the study can be a reference basis for plants selection to construction engineers and enhanced the plant engineering technology.


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