  • 學位論文


The Relationship between College Department Required Test Characteristics and Textbooks for the Subject of Civics and Society

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


本研究採用內容分析法,進行102-108年度公民與社會指考試題分析與公民與社會教科書的內容分析。藉由布魯姆認知領域目標分類修訂版理論進行試題分析,檢視試題是否能評量學生各層次的認知能力;再使用卡方檢定,分析試題在不同必選修單元、認知目標、素養導向分布之差異分析。另外再探討公民與社會指考試題文字在不同版本是否能找到相符文字試題,釐清試題與教科書的符應程度。藉此釐清公民與社會指考長期出題趨勢,以供教學現場教師做準備,試圖讓試題不再只是考驗學生的工具,而是用來精進教師教學的物件。 根據以上研究方法,本研究得到以下結論: 一、102-108公民與社會指考試題已具有素養導向試題特色。 二、試題雖多數仍以一般題為主,但素養試題仍佔有一定比例。 三、指考試題命題以認知、理解為主。 四、選修單元六「民主政治與經濟」及必修單元二「政治與民主」政治單元的在指考具有其應考之重要性。 五、文字與教科書有相符之試題數,在102年後逐漸增加直到106年達到高峰後,便開始下降。 六、公民與社會指考試題在「認知目標」與「素養題」分布上具有顯著差異。 七、有特定版本在指考試題應試上具有優勢。 八、教科書與試題若能夠相符合,多呈現在「記憶」認知目標。


In this study, the content analysis method was used to analyze the 102-108 college department required test and the content analysis of the civics and society textbooks. Use the revised version of Bloom's cognitive domain goal classification theory to analyze the test questions to check whether the test questions can assess the cognitive ability of students at all levels; then use the chi-square test to analyze the differences in the distribution of test questions in different mandatory units, cognitive goals, and literacy-oriented analysis. In addition, we will discuss whether the texts of the college department required test questions can be found in different versions of the test questions, and clarify the degree of correspondence between the test questions and the textbooks. This is to clarify the long-term trend of civic and social index test questions for teachers to prepare for the teaching site, trying to make the test questions not only a tool for testing students, but an object used to improve teachers' teaching. Based on the above research methods, this study draws the following conclusions: 1. The 102-108 Citizens and Society college department required test questions have the characteristics of literacy-oriented test questions. 2. Although most test questions are still based on general questions, literacy test questions still account for a certain percentage. 3. Refers to examination questions and propositions based on cognition and understanding. 4. Elective module 6 "Democratic Politics and Economy" and compulsory module 2 "Politics and Democracy" The political unit examination has the importance of the exam. 5. The number of test questions that match the text and the textbook gradually increases after 102 years until it reaches the peak in 106, and then begins to decline. 6. There are significant differences in the distribution of "cognitive goals" and "literacy questions" between the college department required test questions. 7. A specific version has an advantage in referring to the exam questions. 8. If textbooks and test questions can be matched, they are mostly presented in the "remember" cognitive goal.


