  • 學位論文


A Research of Discussing the Business Model of the Semi-Permanent Make Up Industry-take Mei Cha Na as an sample

指導教授 : 蔡展維 陳秀足


近年來半永久化妝產業逐漸興起,因收費高於其他美妝產業以及市場需求使得許多從事美容行業之業者紛紛加入半永久化妝產業,截至2017年產業發展更趨向於飽和狀態。因國人消費水平增長,對於個人外觀更加注重,半永久化妝產業不僅深受女性喜愛,男性顧客比例也有逐漸增多且年輕化的傾向,服務部位也從眉毛、眼線、唇部延伸至髮際線、乳暈等部位。對於半永久化妝產業的盛行,經營模式與以往紋繡產業也有所不同,本研究將半永久化妝產業之發展與經營型態為研究動機,目的是透過標竿企業的個案訪談了解目前半永久化妝產業之經營概況、商業模式之經營步驟以及從中找出關鍵競爭優勢。 本研究以質性研究中之單一個案研究法與深入訪談法,針對具備紋繡技術發展、產品研發與豐富經營經驗之美佳娜國際美容集團進行個案研究,透過受訪者個人經驗之訪談以及集團經營的歷程,將所獲得的資料繪製成商業模式要素關係圖,從中了解要素間之關係。 個案研究發現,經由商業模式要素間之關係以了解個案企業發展之先後順序,透過深度訪談得知集團關鍵成功之因素以及創造之商業模式具有企業間無法模仿通路、顧客關係、目標客群、關鍵資源與收益流等活動間的綜效,進而發展出一套可供半永久化妝產業參考之經營準則。


For the past few years semi-permanent makeup has been on a steady rise, up till 2017 when the market was starting to become saturated. Due to the revenue being higher than traditional makeup and the rising market demand, many businesses are slowly shifting towards this trend. With the rising consumer levels, personal appearance also gradually became more and more important. Semi-permanent makeup is not only loved by women, younger male clients are also on the rise. Service areas not only include eyebrows, eye lines, lips even to hair lines and the color of the areola. The rise of semi-permanent makeup’s business model is a bit different than the traditional tattoo businesses, this study will delve into the development of the semi-permanent makeup business style. The purpose is to look through the case interviews of the benchmark enterprises to understand the business overview and the current state of the business model. In order to find the key competitive advantages. This research is based on qualitative research methods such as the single case study method and the in-depth interview method. Focusing on the evolution of tattoo techniques, product development and a great amount of business experience from MEI-CHA International Beauty Group we will conduct our case study. We have drawn a diagram of business model elements through the interviewer’s personal experience, the interview itself and the corporation’s business history, to better understand the connection between the key aspects. Using these key aspects between the business models we can understand the development of our case enterprise. We can tell by the in-depth interview that the key to success for the corporation has something that other corporations cannot mimic. The synergy between target audience, key resources, revenue stream all coming together to develop a set style, which helped to build a model that other semi-permanent makeup businesses can follow.


