  • 學位論文


Effect of Different Carbohydrate Media in Culture and the Genetic Relationship between Antrodia cinnamomea and White Antrodia cinnamomea

指導教授 : 李柏旻


牛樟芝是一台灣特有真菌,目前已被研究出有許多藥用特性。雖然有大量文獻在探討牛樟芝,但是有一個特殊變異個體稱作白樟芝,目前卻甚少有研究。本次研究將會著重在牛樟芝和白樟芝的栽培,包含一隻牛樟芝菌株和一隻白樟芝菌株。栽培方式使用固態培養和液態培養,並且分成三種碳源培養基(葡萄糖,麥芽糖和砂糖)栽培。實驗將會針對三種碳源的栽培量測兩種菌株的乾重與三萜類含量,並用LC-MS分析兩種菌株的三萜類種類;最後將對兩隻菌株進行DNA定序比對,以確定兩者的親緣關係。實驗結果顯示,不論是固態培養或是液態培養,相較於砂糖都能使兩隻牛樟芝菌株的乾重達到最高的量,但在三萜類含量測試中,砂糖卻是含量最低的,而三萜類含量測試中,葡萄糖則擁有最多含量的三萜類。LC-MS的結果顯示,在牛樟芝8種標準三萜類指標測試下,牛樟芝比白樟芝含有更多種類的三萜類。而DNA定序的結果顯示,兩隻菌株的親緣關係與傳統菌株是非常相近的,並且屬於同一物種。總體來說,葡萄糖搭配液態培養將會是最適合栽培牛樟芝的栽培方法,雖然砂糖能產生最多的乾重,但牛樟芝的培養多著重在三萜類的生產,加上液態培養能夠方便的調 整培養量能,因此這組合將會是生產牛樟芝最有效率的組合。最後藉由基因定序和內和物分析白樟芝後,更加了解未來如何將其應用於生產和還需研究的方向。


牛樟芝 白樟芝 三萜類 LC-MS


Antrodia cinnamomia, a special fungus in Taiwan, has been extensively using by researchers to show its medicine effect. Although a lot of literature focus on the A. cinnamomia, little is yet known about white A. cinnamomia. This research focuses on the triterpenoid compound which contains medicine effect, and the culture of A. cinnamomia and white A. cinnamomia. There are two strains in this experiment, include regular A. cinnamomia and white A. cinnamomia. A. cinnamomia will culture through solid and submerged with three carbohydrate medias (glucose, maltose and granulated sugar). Triterpenoid content and biomass will analyze among three carbohydrate medias, and LC-MS (Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry) will analyze the compound from A. cinnamomia. Furthermore, DNA sequencing will also compare the genetic relationship of A. cinnamomia and white A. cinnamomia. In the result, the biomass and triterpenoid are expected to have a better biomass content in medias of granulated sugar in both solid and submerged culture, but the glucose addition was detected had highest triterpenoid compound. The result of LC-MS showed that regular A. cinnamomia contained more triterpenoid than white A. cinnamomia in 8 stander triterpenoid in A. cinnamomia. Furthermore, DNA sequencing proved that the relationship of genetic in two strains were similar and belong to the same species. In conclusion, the submerged culture with glucose may be the best treatment to culture A. cinnamomia, although the granulated sugar addition was produced highest biomass, but the production of A. cinnamomia usually focus on the triterpenoid, and submerged culture can adjust the amount of production easily, this makes the triterpenoid can be produce efficiency. Also, the DNA sequencing and LC-MS analyzes explored more information of white A. cinnamomia that could be applied in the industry and the topics still need be researched in the future.


6. Reference
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