  • 學位論文


Soil organic carbon sequestration changes and characteristic of organic substances on slopelands with artificial vegetation remediation in different years

指導教授 : 簡士濠


臺灣山區易因逢強降雨而造成大規模崩塌,崩塌使植被和土壤碳流失,其中貯存在土壤中的碳因地表裸露而受生物作用將釋放至大氣中,故常於邊坡處理中添加有機資材,可使坡面土壤因初期養分充裕而植生茂密並提前累積有機碳,且有效減少坡面再次受到侵蝕作用。本研究目的為評估不同年份下人工復育下之土壤碳存量變化及有機質之特性。本研究中碳存量分析結果顯示,有機碳含量在8年內以5.15 Mg/ha-yr的速率逐漸礦化轉替,隨後以5.48 Mg/ha-yr的速率於土壤中開始累積;分析表層土壤之溶解性有機碳特性,以螢光光譜分析不同年份植被下之有機物官能基特性,以研究區域旁未擾動之天然林土壤作為對照,由螢光區域分析圖譜結果顯示,噴植資材中以類腐植酸含量居多,人工復育初期的土壤有機質中之類黃酸與類腐植酸含量較多(噴植資材),噴植資材隨時間分解(螢光下降),於噴植後經過8年回復,邊坡有之機物質以黃酸為主逐漸累積於土壤中。


The mountainous areas are prone to large-scale collapses due to heavy rainfall in Taiwan. The collapses cause the loss of vegetation and soil carbon. The carbon stored in the soil will be released into the atmosphere due to the exposed slopelands. Therefore, organic materials are often added in the slope treatment, that can make the slope soil densely planted and accumulate organic carbon in advance due to the abundant nutrients in the initial stage, and effectively reduce the erosion of the slope again. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the changes in soil organic carbon sequestration and characteristic of organic substances on slopelands with artificial vegetation remediation in different years beam-free frame. The results of the soil organic carbon sequestration analysis in this study showed that the organic carbon content gradually mineralized at a rate of 5.15 Mg/ha-yr within 8 years, and then began to accumulate in the soil at a rate of 5.48 Mg/ha-yr; The characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in surface soil are analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy of the organic functional group characteristics under vegetation in different years, and the undisturbed natural forest soil next to the study area is used as a control. The results of the fluorescence area analysis map show that the soil at the early stage of artificial restoration the organic matter contains more fulvic-like acid and humic-like acids. The spraying materials are decomposed over time. After 8 years of spraying, the organic matter on the slope is fulvic acid and fulvic-like acid gradually accumulate in the soil.


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